Page 18 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 18


Members Create the Club They Want

By Mike Gantenbein, ACB, CL

    Jefferson State Toastmasters in Talent,              . . .laughter is an important
Oregon, is in the midst of a renaissance. This is    part of communication, and
a club whose success occurs naturally through        learning how to use humor
a membership that welcomes its members               is a big part of speaking and
as their “family” or “tribe.” It comes down          leadership.
to relationships and personal connections,
actively listening and speaking our truths. We      quality that is obvious to all who visit.
all strive for personal improvement and join            We hold regular open houses to invite new
to support each other in this endeavor.
                                                    members, yet the fact is that every night is an
    The members of Jefferson State                  open house, and people naturally gravitate to
Toastmasters are active in creating the club        the positive energy found at Jefferson State
that they want. Instead of waiting to figure        Toastmasters. Since I became club president
out meeting themes the week before each             at the beginning of the year, I’ve become
meeting, we vote on meeting themes at the           quite practiced with the induction process as
beginning of each six months and lay them           people drop in and discover our special gem.
out ahead of time, allowing us to plan ahead        Like moths to a light, people see what we have
and be better prepared to use the theme for         created in Talent and are drawn to be involved.
each meeting. Treasurer Cynthia Rogan points
out that we have added a “Ha Counter” to our            Jefferson State Toastmasters meets
functionaries, as laughter is an important part     Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., in the Talent Public
of communication, and learning how to use           Library. We welcome you to come check it
humor is a big part of speaking and leadership.     out for yourself. You’re guaranteed to laugh,
She also notes, “We’ve decided as a group to        meet some great people and perhaps learn
include positive pauses in the weekly ah count.     something — we always do!
How amazing is that?”
                                                         Mike Gantenbein joined Toastmaters in 2011. He
    Last year another group leader, Daniel          is a member of Jefferson State Toastmasters where
Flood, led the club in an exercise in which each    he is serving as club president.
person in the club wrote something positive
about each member of the club. Many of us
still have those compiled lists hanging on our
fridges and walls as regular reminders of our
best attributes —something we all need!

    One key is that we make decisions as
an all-inclusive group. Some evenings our
meetings go long, as we require time and
discussion to make the best decisions. Our
hearts are fully engaged in creating the best club
possible. This type of inclusiveness creates a
fertile environment for fun, caring growth — a

18 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016
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