Page 16 - Voices.June.2016final
P. 16

Balraj Arunasalam, DTM Visits
Capital Toastmasters

by Andrew Chappell, CC

    It was May 3, 2016 late afternoon, and         Toastmaster’s executive body members, and
Balraj Arunasalam DTM, First Vice President        our VIP guests sat down for a business meeting.
of Toastmasters International, just got out of     We spoke about some of the benefits of prison
prison. That is not to say that he was paroling    clubs. For example, most members of Capital
from prison. Actually he and eight others from     Toastmasters said they joined Toastmasters to
the Area, District, and Division leaders (Phyllis  become better speakers. When asked why they
Harmon – Immediate Past District 7 Governor,       stayed in Toastmasters, many said, “Because
Michele Alba Lim - District 7 Director, Leanna     it’s made me a better person.”
Lindquist - District 7 Program Quality Director,
Erik Bergman - District 7 Club Growth Director,        According to the District 7 Prison Liaison
Janet Zeyen-Hall - Division C Director, Ginger     Allan Edinger, District 7 has a 0% recidivism rate
Killion - Division H Director, Dipak Poudyal       for members who parole and stay involved in
- Area 42 Director, Allan Edinger - District 7     Toastmasters after their release. One way our
Prison Liaison, Past Region 2 Advisor, and Past    club contributes to this, and that we recom-
District 7 Governor, along with Janice Hallmark    mend other prison clubs follow, is by providing
– Capital Toastmasters member) came to the         a variety of learning opportunities. In our
Oregon State Penitentiary to attend a meeting      club, those consist of meetings, small group
of the Capital Toastmasters Club.                  meetings held throughout the month, classes
                                                   from the Success Communication and Success
    Before the speakers meeting, the Capital       Leadership Series, monthly presentations

16 Volume 2 Issue 12 - JUNE 2016
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