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8. An inexpensive training and professional- all expectations” in an article in Toastmaster
development program. In most organizations, magazine.
budgets for training and professional develop-
                                                    10. Regular reinforcement of learning. As the
ment were among the first line items slashed in     Toastmasters brochure, Clear Communication
the economic downturn. You might be willing to      points out, “When employees attend seminars,
invest money out of pocket for such programs,
but if you were to search on the Internet for they quickly forget what they learned; when
programs that teach you communication, public- they regularly attend Toastmasters meetings,
                                                    they learn skills that stay with them for a life-
speaking, and leadership skills, you’d be looking   time.” Toastmasters clubs meet at least monthly,
to pay hundreds, if not thousands, of dollars in    with many meeting weekly or twice a month, so
most cases. In contrast, the dues a member pays     members continue to practice and develop skills.
to belong to Toastmasters can be as low as $1.77

weekly. Your employer might even be willing to      Final Thoughts on Using Toastmaster to

sponsor your membership.                            Boost Your Career
                                                    You have probably guessed from my unbridled
    In Toastmasters, members have the               zeal for the organization that I am a Toastmaster.
opportunity to work toward educational
goals, following a communication track and a
leadership track. The ultimate education award I’ve gained enormously from the organization
is Distinguished Toastmaster, which brings and had a lot of fun. I cannot recommend
                                                    Toastmasters strongly enough for career
together both tracks. The self-paced Toastmasters   advancement. Want to learn more about
program proceeds in a logical sequence that         Toastmasters and check out a club for yourself?
helps members build skills with every speech
                                                    See a video that shows what a Toastmasters
they give or leadership role they perform.
“If an individual has served in any of the meeting is like. Find a Toastmasters club near
volunteer leadership positions in the organiza- you.
                                                    Katharine (Kathy) Hansen, Ph.D., is Distict 9
tion [through the various levels of Toastmaster],”  District Director-Elect. She is the creative director
Niven says, “that individual has learned and        and associate publisher of Quintessential Careers,
applied amazing leadership and team-building
skills. As with every part of the Toastmasters is an online educator, author, and blogger who
International program, they have been provided provides content for Quintessential Careers, edits its
                                                    newsletter QuintZine, and blogs about storytelling
with excellent training for every role, and with    at A Storied Career. Kathy, who earned her PhD
guidance and mentoring from others.” Learn          from Union Institute & University authored You Are
more about Toastmasters educational programs.
                                                    More Accomplished Than You Think, Tell Me About
9. Excellent networking opportunity. Yourself, Dynamic Cover Letters for New Graduates,
Toastmasters provides a fun yet constructive A Foot in the Door, Top Notch Executive Interviews,
way to network with others who may become Top Notch Executive Resumes; and with Randall S.
your career contacts. Heather O’Neill describes Hansen, Ph.D., Dynamic Cover Letters, Write Your
a Toastmasters networking experience “beyond Way to a Higher GPA, and The Complete Idiot’s Guide

                                                    to Study Skills.

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