Page 9 - 2016 April Voices
P. 9


Toastmasters 1st VP ready to promote District 7

                                     by Erik Bergman, DTM, Club Growth Director

    In our weekly club meetings, it’s easy to                                                         among others. He will
forget the “International” part of Toastmasters                 a l s o give Corporate Recognition Awards
International. What does the rest of the wide                   to US Bank and Nike for their ongoing support
world have to do with our personal growth or                    of Toastmasters.
our club activities?
                                                                    Several clubs are also hosting him either so
                                     Plenty. And District 7 is  he can give a presentation or so he can watch
                                getting the chance to watch,    them in action. He’ll
                                learn and grow when we          visit the Oregon State
                                host the First Vice President   Prison to see Capitol
                                of TI, Balraj Arunasalam,       Toastmasters, year
                                DTM, in May.                    after year a President’s
                                                                Distinguished club.
                                     Balraj is a business       He will also appear
                                owner and engineer from         Sunday, May 8, 4 p.m., at
                                the island nation of Sri        Babble-On Toastmasters
Lanka near India. He’s been a Toastmaster for                   (another perennial President’s Distinguished
decades and an avid builder of the TI program
in his home country. As First Vice president, he is                                                 club), 935 NE 33rd
next in line to be elected President of our global                                                   Ave Portland, Oregon
organization in 2017.                                                                                97232-2516. You are all
    Part of the role                                                                                 invited!
of Club Growth
Director is to show                                                                                       In addition he will
a visiting executive                                                                                 meet with District 7
from Toastmasters                                                                                    leaders to learn how we
International around                                                                                 are doing and where we
the district. Preparing for Balraj’s visit has kept a                                              are headed.
team of us busy, and the pace is picking up even as                 I’m looking forward to taking him around
you read this. International officers such as Balraj            to see the companies and clubs, as well as the
visit districts worldwide to help spread the message            many sights our District offers.
about the TI program. They act as ambassadors                       We may still have
for our brand. A key goal is to visit companies that            corporate visit slots
are interested in starting Toastmasters clubs for               available due to
                                                                schedules changes. If
                                        their employees.        you know of a company
                                             The visits we’re   of 200-plus employees
                                                                he could visit, and can
                                        setting up for Balraj   put me in touch with
will take place May 2-9. You all have a chance to               a key contact there,
see Balraj May 6-7 at the Spring Conference in                  contact me ASAP at
Eugene, so go online and buy your tickets. His                  cgd@d7toastmasters.
presentations at the Spring Conference serve                    org. I’ll do my best to fit you in.
as the centerpiece of his visit. We have secured
corporate meet-and greet sessions for him at
Dave’s Killer Bread, Wells Fargo, Legacy Health,
WE Communications and the City of Beaverton,

Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016                                                   9
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