Page 8 - 2016 April Voices
P. 8
Documentation Changes People
by Leanna Lindquist, DTM - Program Quality Director
It’s a common misconception: completing and whether or not they have been achieved.
education awards that contribute to the DCP, Are club officers attending training? We know
Distinguished Club Program, goals is all about clubs are more successful when their officers
“The District”. I want to set the record straight, are trained. Is the club adding new members?
completing education awards is “All About the New members keep a club interesting. They
Member”. It’s right there in our Club Mission: We bring new stories to evaluate, they provide a
provide a supportive and positive learning experi- new viewpoint when evaluating speeches and
they are potential club officers. Are members
earning education awards? This is a big one. A
club that is supportive, encouraging and pays
attention to the growth of its members will have
completed education and leadership goals. A
club full of highly motivated members earning
awards can’t help but create a dynamic sought
after club.
ence in which members are empowered to develop The Importance of Being a
communication and leadership skills, resulting in Distinguished Club
greater self-confidence and personal growth.
A club achieving 5 or more goals and 20
Here is an age old question. Which came first, members, or 5 above their base, by June 30th
the chicken or the egg? Which came first, the earns the status of Distinguished (5 goals),
member award or the DCP goals? That’s an easy Select Distinguished (7 goals), or Presidents
one to answer. The member’s awards always come Distinguished (9 goals). Distinguished clubs have
first because it’s all about the member. Completing many of the same characteristics:
manuals and earning educational awards is how
we measure a person’s growth in the program. • Members give manual speeches
This is the documentation part. Fill a role or give • Club officers are trained
a speech, you receive written documentation as to • Meetings are well run
how successful you were. Think about your own • New members join
journey or that of another club member. What • Members earn educational awards
was learned from the Ice Breaker to project 10 in • Fun is a big part of the club
the Competent Communicator Manual? Did you • Attendance at the meetings is good
see improvement? Were skills developed? Is self- Does this sound like a club you want to join?
confidence evident? This is the change. Does this describe your club? If not, you owe it
to yourself to make some changes. Start with
Documentation Changes Clubs working on your educational awards. Always
bring your manual to meetings. Don’t ever
What does the DCP say about a club? You speak for free. If you give a speech or serve in a
can tell a lot about a club by reviewing the goals club role always have someone evaluate it. That
is your pay for speaking. You will change. You
will grow. And so will your club. It’s work to be
a Distinguished Club. It’s a source of pride to
the members. It’s worth the effort.
8 Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016