Page 4 - 2016 April Voices
P. 4

EDITORIAL                                                Publisher

              Sliding into Summer                                 Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                               by Phyllis A. Harmon, DTM          Associate Publisher
                               Immediate Past District Governor
                                                                  Brenda Parsons, ACB, ALS
    It’s that time of year again when members scurry about
getting ready for summer vacations, kids count down the days      Senior Editor
to graduation, and Toastmasters gets relegated to last place on
the social calendar. Invariably, as the weather turns warmer,     Phyllis Harmon, DTM
attendance at club meetings drops off and the summer lull
takes hold. Family, friends, and fun conquer all. I’ve been       Associate Editors
told that “three members make a meeting.” I attest that sparse
meetings can be very productive and fun – occasionally.           Leanna Lindquist, DTM
                                                                  Erik Bergman, DTM
    But as a steady diet? Not so much!                            Alexis Mason, DTM
    Sparsely attended meetings mean fewer opportunities to
give and receive feedback. Low attendance leads to stressful      Layout/Design
meetings as everyone doubles up on roles. Sparse attendance
leads to boring meetings when the same people evaluate            Phyllis Harmon, DTM
the same people ad nauseum. Sparse attendance can lead            Curtis Low
to a softening of club standards which in turn devolve into
“networking opportunities” or “planning meetings” which in        2015-16 Officers
turn lead to member flight which eventually leads to clubs
circling the proverbial drain.                                    District Director
    No one expects members to curtail their summer activi-
ties. We applaud them for taking time to devote themselves        Michelle Alba Lim, DTM
to family and friends. In fact, strategic Toastmasters look
forward to this time of year because speaking opportunities       Program Quality Director
abound. They pull out those longer speeches and present
them before new audiences. They complete their manuals,           Leanna Lindquist, DTM
receive new perspectives on their presentations, and get an
opportunity to boost attendance at another club.                  Club Growth Director
    I’ve taken advantage of the summer lull and completed
the last projects needed for my two DTMS. I posted a request      Erik Bergman, DTM
for speaking slots on social media. Several opportunities
came my way, and I took advantage of them all. Yes, I love        Finance Manager
this time of year! While everyone else is planning for their
summer activities, I’m planning to complete my third DTM.         Jill Ward, ACB, ALB

                                                                  Administrative Manager

                                                                  Tom Knapp, ACG, ALB

                                                                 Public Relations Manager

                                                                  Becky Holm

                                                                 Voices! is published monthly by
                                                                 District 7 Toastmasters. First issue
                                                                 published August 2014. Submit
                                                                 articles via email at voices@

4 Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016
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