Page 20 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 20


The Three Fs help Flying Toasters soar in Salem

by Ken L. Smith, ACB, Area 41 Director

    The Flying Toasters is a Thursday noontime       with guests. Guests are always encouraged to
club that meets on the Capital Mall in Salem. The    return as often as they would like. Once a guest
club was chartered in 1997 and grew to a peak of     decides to join, we have an active mentoring
17 members in 2009. Over the next few years, due     program and try to match new members with
to a variety of issues, the membership dwindled      veteran members very quickly. Twice a year we
down to the minimum allowable membership             have an open house and/or membership drives
of eight in 2013. Since then the club has been       where members are encouraged to invite friends
working very hard to rebuild by focusing on three    and co-workers.
core tenets.
                                                         Focused – There is more to Toastmasters than
    We call them the Three Fs.                       friends and fun. The next goal is to keep it focused
    Fun – The number one goal of our club is to      on membership goals. We all have personal goals
keep it fun. Nothing attracts others like a group    that we want to reach in Toastmasters. Our VP of
of people having a good time. All of our meetings    Education solicits member goals every year and
have themes, often with a quirky twist. Just some    helps members create a plan to achieve them.
examples include backward meetings, “talk like       Club meetings always have time for two manual
a pirate” meetings and Tall Tales Throw-down         speeches as well as Table Topics. Should members
contests with another club. We honor members         have difficulty signing up for a speech in a timely
with awards for progressing in the Competent         manner, we change to a speech-a-thon format that
Communicator manual: Ice Breaker candies             allows for four speeches and evaluations during
are awarded for your first Ice Breaker speech,       a meeting. In addition, our meetings are always
3 Musketeers bars for completing your first          timely and effective.
three speeches and a Toastmaster International
name badge for completing your Competent                 By keeping things Fun, Friendly and Focused,
Communicator Award.                                  we have been able to come back from the edge,
    Friendly – The next goal of the club is to keep  rebuild and thrive. We currently have 23 members
it friendly. In many ways, the club is more of a     and are on track to be President’s Distinguished
family than a community group. We have Pizza         by June. Things are definitely looking up for the
Night two times a year for families and members.     Flying Toasters!
We encourage members to welcome and engage

                                The Flying Toasters

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