Page 18 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 18



                  by Harvey Schowe DTM-District 7 Historian

         During fall 1937, Toastmasters        Club president Frank Eberlein invited
International staff issued a preliminary       Toastmistress president Mrs. A. J. Voye and
charter number of #98 after receiving          members to Toastmasters meeting October
a charter application for Klamath Falls        21, 1940. Mrs. Paul Buck was Toastmistress
Toastmasters Club. Toastmasters’ magazine      for this meeting. Both Medford and Klamath
announced the new club in 1937 December        Falls Toastmasters clubs competed in an area
issue of Toastmasters Magazine. Medford        speech contest with prepared and impromptu
Toastmasters members assisted in orga-         speeches held at Klamath Falls on Monday
nizing Klamath Falls Toastmasters club         April 15, 1941 for new District 7. Wesley Hayes
including George Davis of Lovenze Company      of Klamath Falls won this contest with Gomer
of Klamath Falls who was promoting             Caseman of Klamath Falls placing second
Toastmasters. Members held a meeting at        and Ray Harrison of Medford placing third
7:00 pm on November 15, 1937 at the Elk        place. Frank Eberlein was Toastmaster for
Hotel. Frank Gray was Toastmaster and          contest. Membership dropped to lowest
speakers were John Gribble; Tuberculosis Seal  in district in 1945. Club members then
Campaign, Seth Bullis; Safety, Dr. William     initiated a successful September Speech
F. Roney Humor, and Frank Hull; Purposes       Craft program that resulted in the second
of Toastmasters. Klamath Falls newspaper       highest membership in District Seven.
Evening Herald article announced the           District Seven Governor Donald T. Nelson
meeting of the new club on January 31, 1938    wrote about this successful Speech Craft
at Elk Hotel on Monday evenings at 6:30 pm.    program in November Toastmasters maga-
Club officers were Vern Moore-president and    zine. Club members celebrated their tenth
Carl H. Mason-secretary. On Monday May         anniversary with Mt. McLaughlin club #656
23, 1938, members from Klamath Falls and       charter presentation November 5, 1948. Club
Medford Toastmasters Clubs held another        members voted on changing the club name
joint meeting in Medford, Oregon where Dr.     from Klamath Falls to Modoc March 1949.
George S. Jennings, Medford club presided
and Vern Moore Klamath Falls club president           On May 25, 1957, club hoisted District 7
was Toastmaster. Klamath Falls members         Conference at the Willard Hotel in Klamath
delivering speeches were Paul Mathews, Lee     Falls. Joseph Mercer, Area 3 governor Modoc
McMullen, George Davis and Ed Davis. Club      member was chairperson for General Session.
members discussed plans for organizing         Other Modoc club members assisting in
Toastmasters clubs in Ashland and Grants       this conference were Dr. Glenn C. Miller,
Pass. Ernest Davis District Two Governor       Chester Clark, Herman F. Smith, Raymond
presented the club charter May 1940.           Walker, Bob Davies and John Heyden. John
                                               Hornback of Tillamook Toastmasters club
        During 1940s, club sponsored high      won the speech contest with speech Fifth
school speech contests, provided speakers      Amendment. He competed in the Zone
for Red Cross and spoke on radio supporting    A Speech Contest competition in Tacoma,
war bond sales and scrap metal drives.         Washington. Modoc Club # 98 continues as
Furthermore, club often had joint meet-        an active club.
ings with Toastmistress club. For instance,
                                                   Harvey Schowe is the Disrict Historian and a
                                               staff writer for Voices!. He joined Toastmasters in
                                               1980 and is a member of Blue Ox Toastmasters.

18 Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016
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