Page 19 - 2016 MARCH issue
P. 19

Leading the World                                Saturday May 7, 2016 - 7am-6:30pm
        Lane Community College • Eugene, Oregon
                                                 Mastering Storytelling
                                                   for Better Speaking

                                                       What is the absolute most important skill you need in
                                                       speaking? It is the ability to tell your story and sell your point.
                                                       This is due to the following truth:

                                                       “When people buy into your story, they buy into your message.
                                                       In Daniel Pink’s groundbreaking book, A Whole New Mind, he emphasizes we are
                                                       moving from the “Information Age” into the “Conceptual Age.” People need a way
                                                       to filter through a daily avalanche of information. Hence, they look to concepts as
                                                       shortcuts. Who wins in this new age? Those who sell concepts win. What’s the best
                                                       way to sell concepts? Storytelling.

                                                       In this powerful and interactive program, Craig Valentine shares tools to help you…
                                                           • Keep audiences on the edge of their seats with your stories
                                                           • Uncover humor that keeps your audience laughing throughout the speech
                                                           • Connect deeper than most speakers ever will
                                                           • Get your audience to take the next step you want them to take (connect and
                                                           • Become the kind of speaker others line up and sign up to see

                                                       This is one interactive program you cannot afford to miss! Turn yourself into a
                                                       storytelling champion and watch as opportunities become abundant for you.

                                                      District 7 Toastmasters Spring Conference

                                                                     May 7 - 7am-6:30pm
                                                                     • First 75 Registrations - $55
                                                                     • General Admission - $65*
                                                                     • Saturday Dinner & Discourse - $35

                                                                           *Breakfast & Lunch included in registration

                                                                                    Lane Community College
                                                                              Center for Meeting and Learning
                                                                            4000 E 30th Ave, Eugene, OR 97405
                                                                  Register at:

Volume 2 Issue 8 - MARCH 2016                    19
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