Page 11 - VoicesMar2015 .pub
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Michelle Alba-Lim, Lt. Governor Education/Training

Spring into the District 7 Conference!

Have you registered for the District 7 Spring Conference, “Be the BEST:
Communicate and Lead With Impact” on May 1 and 2? If you haven’t
registered yet, consider the following…

Excellent learning opportunities—Gain inspiring insights from International

Director Gloria Shishido, DTM on the best way to motivate and lead volunteers (and

team members at work). Director Gloria will speak about “Kina’ole” which translates to

“Doing the right thing, for the

right reason, in the right way, at

the right time, to the right

person.” Read more about Gloria

here. Gloria Shishido Mary Cheyne Tom Marcoux
Be entertained and energized as

2009 World Champion of Public Speaking 1st runner-up Mary Cheyne shares lessons

from her world championship journey. Read more about Mary here.

Learn practical pointers from author, speaker, and super coach Tom Marcoux on how to
seize the three C’s of success (charisma, confidence, and control of time). Read more and
watch Tom's presentation clip here.

Evaluation and International Prepared Speech Contests—In the morning,

hear nine of the best evaluators in the District compete in the Speech Evaluation
Contest. Listen, learn, and take your own evaluations to the next level. In the afternoon,
cheer the nine division champions as they deliver their entries in the International
Speech Contest. Be among the first to know who will represent District 7 at the
International Convention in Las Vegas, Nevada this August.

“D7’s Got Talent!” Fun Showcase—Discover varied skills in the Friday night FUN

talent show. Short skits, showcased musical talents, and storytelling are three of the
entries scheduled to entertain you. Has your division decided what to do? Why wait? If
you've got a talent and aren't afraid to share it on stage, contact your Area or Division

(Continued on page 15)

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