Page 5 - Voices aug2014 8.5.2014
P. 5
Interview with Jason Leon

2013-14 International Speech Semifinalist

On May 17, 2014 District 7 Toastmasters selected Jason Leon to represent them in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia on
August 21, 2014 as their International Speech semifinalist .
Q: What brought you to Toastmasters? A
professor in one of my college public speaking Q: How has Toastmasters
courses told me about this secret group, helped you personally?
Toastmasters. She said, “Jason there is a group Toastmasters has helped me

that meets once a week to help improve public in more ways than I am
speaking skills. I really think you would enjoy it!” probably even aware of. I’ll
Q: How has Toastmasters helped your career? It narrow it down to the top two
has helped my career in the following three main ways: 1) Toastmasters has inspired me to dream!
areas: 1) Confidence - One of the benefits of One of my dreams is to win the World

Toastmasters that is often overlooked is how it Championships of Public Speaking. Toastmasters
changes the way we see ourselves. The more we has instilled that dream in me. Watching the
defeat fear by getting up to speak, the more we world champions of the past has given me an
inner desire to go for my dreams! 2) Toastmasters
f i n d a s e n s e o f i n n e r
confidence. This confidence is has poured passion into my life! The more I travel
then transmitted to our family to meet the great people in Toastmasters, the
life, career, and everything more I speak at various groups, the more I am
else we do! 2) Listening skills - excited about life. Toastmasters is one of my
I think one of the keys of greatest passions!
Toastmasters is the training Q: What is your process for developing a
we receive without even speech idea? 1) Come up
realizing it. When you listen to with a story, 2) Write the
some of the best speakers in story on paper, 3) Tell the
the world, you begin to develop a level of story to various groups of
listening that supersedes that of the non- Toastmasters and get
toastmaster. One of the most effective ways to get feedback, 4) Take the

ahead in any career is to be a successful listener. feedback and rewrite the story, Continue steps 3
3) Social support– Our careers can easily get and 4 until I am confident that I have a great
stressful and overwhelming. Toastmaster clubs speech!
offer a friendly and supportive environment that Q: This is not your first time on the semifinalist
helps me cope with the stresses of my day and stage. What lessons did you learn in 2010 in
career. Palm Desert, California that are helping you
prepare for competition this year? The most
(Continued on page 32)

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