Page 4 - Voices aug2014 8.5.2014
P. 4
Articles 10

Writing Magazine Articles riting Magazine Articles
7 W

New Club and Membership 101
Writing articles for Voices! is very riting articles for Voices! is very
Incentives, & Smedley W

similar to delivering a stellar imilar to delivering a stellar
Award s
speech which captivates your peech which captivates your

This year’s incentive awards audience and has them waiting udience and has them waiting
include DVDs and books from w
with bated breath for what you ith bated breath for what you
District 7 World Champions say next. ay next.


Speechcraft—A Taste of 12

Toastmasters Who Will It Be? Will It Be

The New York Toastmasters Club YOU?

has 55 members and a waiting Division Member of the Month

list for new members to join. Program begins honoring club

10 members in Sepember

It Takes a Village to Create a 14

Magazine Around the District

It really does take a village (our Division Pages introduce the

village) to tell the world about 2014-15 Division & Area

what a great district we are! Governors

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