Page 30 - voices-2024-04
P. 30

is Julia’s father, the one who sent the roses. He   they are not my family, they had similar strug-
              had only been sick since Thursday. The doc-      gles. What do my Italian immigrant grandpar-
              tor thinks he had a stroke. Sunday afternoon     ents and the Okie (Oklahoma) homesteading
              things worsened. “He never regained con-         family have in common with the Dodsons?
              sciousness; he did not know he was suffering.    They all went out of their comfort zone to
              His breath just grew fainter while he passed     build a better life for their family. Perhaps you
              away.”                                           can relate?

              I also found on the internet that William tried   Now it is time for these things to return to
              his hand at many trades. He ran a store in Taft,   the family they came from. Unlike the time
              Oregon and had a boat for transporting goods.  when they arrived at my father’s house it is
              The box has a pad of unused receipts for “Dod-   easy to find connections on the internet now.
              son and Cook Dealers in General Merchandise.”  I could mail the items to the North Lincoln
              It also has the bill of sale for the schooner    County Museum and be done with it. There is
              which was named “Nenamosha.” Google says         an administrator with the last name of Dod-
              William was a barber for a while. The box        son on the Wiki tree pages who I could email
              contains his pink apprentice barber license for   and arrange to get them there. But before I
              display by his chair. It expired April 30,1922.   do, let me ask, “Do you know these people?” I
              Not listed in Google is that he became a notary  thought this might be a good opportunity to
              in 1948. I have a certificate with the gold seal.   discover a connection within our Toastmasters
              This is the most recent item in the black box.   community. We talk a lot about the power of
                                                               networking, so I wonder if you can introduce
              I have had a wonderful time with this journey    me to the Dodsons? If you can, please contact
              through history. Holding a document written      me at Stay tuned for
              a hundred years ago is humbling. I feel better   a follow up story about the return of the black
              connected to time and humanity. Although         box and its contents.

                                                                           1948 notary commission
               Certificate of Farm Name “Rose Lodge” 1914

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