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working for the O.R. & N Railroad. Google tells me   S.D Dodson. The letter is dated January 12, 1892.
           this is the Oregon Railroad and Navigation Com-     It starts “Dear Son and Family.” It states that their
           pany which later became part of the Union Pacific   card was received and that they were pleased to
           Railroad. At the back, are two hand copied poems    know that Oliver had found work. My internet
           oddly juxtapositioned with the monthly work         sleuthing reveals that Oliver Dodson was born
           tallies. The poems by Bryant and Anna Letitia Bar-  in Oregon. He was the son of Mcminn and Sarah
           bauld are both about death. It is a reminder that   Drusilla Dodson who came out on the Oregon
           these pioneers lived a rough life, and I am sure    trail.
           experienced losses. I imagine the man taking a
           break from hard labor and finding solace in these   On the internet I read that Julia’s maiden name
           poems.                                              was Wells. In the box is a letter from Frank Wells
                                                               dated April 20, 1898. It has a salutation of “Dear
           The letters in the box are mainly written in pencil   Brothers, Sisters, Nieces and Nephews, Uncles and
           and faded with time. The paper of a couple is be-   Aunts.” Frank Wells proudly proclaims he has ar-
           ginning to decompose. These take me back to the  rived in 8 to 10 feet of snow in Copper City, Alaska.
           days of my youth, the seventies and eighties be-    He was in the thick of the Klondike gold rush.
           fore instant messaging, texts, Facebook updates,
           and email existed. In my day, long distance calls   Google says that Rose Lodge got its name from
           were expensive and only made as a special treat     the roses that Julia’s father had sent from Califor-
           or in urgent circumstances. This left us waiting    nia for her to plant. The roses prospered and the
           for the mail for assurance that our loved ones far   climbing roses created an arch over the entrance
           away were still doing well.                         to the post office. In the box I discovered a letter
                                                               from Fresno California dated May 16, 1911, to
           In the box I find a letter oddly signed by Mc and   Dearest Aunt Julia. The letter from a niece de-
                                                               scribes the last breaths of grandpa who I assume

                                                                                TO THE LEFT

                                                                                     Fresno Calif May 16, 1911

                                                                 Written at top “Please send back”

                                                                 Dearest Aunt Jullia
                                                                 Grandpa passed away this morning at two
                                                                 twenty o’clock. He has only been sick since
                                                                 Thursday. morning at half past two. He looked
                                                                 just as he did at Aunt Clara’s two years ago.
                                                                 We called in a doctor. Grandpa seemed to be
                                                                 getting on alright until Sunday night at seven
                                                                 o’clock when death struck him. The Dr said he
                                                                 had a stroke but mama doesn’t think so.

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