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      as we read that it was a declaration form for the  the next vehicle—and perhaps, they could get

      export of Canadian goods and the need to pay an  their babies, er man once and for all.
      excise tax on said goods and we would be fined             Dear reader, you may think this to be a tall
      and/or imprisoned for falsifying this declaration.  tale, or even a downright lie, but it is the truth. On
          At that point, the senior customs man looked  my next trip to Haines, I was solo, and I stopped

      at each one of us with his steely, piercing eyes,  for gas at Beaver Creek, another wide spot in
      and asked us “Do you have more than two  the road where they sold all things Canadian,
      Canadian Beanie Babies in your possession?”  including Beanie Babies—but limit two per
      Beanie Babies? The kid’s stuffed toys? Were they  customer. Yes, I bought two going to Haines,

      kidding? Clearly by their facial expressions and  and two coming back from Haines, but thank
      body movement they were not!                           goodness, no one stopped me at the customs
          You see that was at the height of the Beanie  and excise post. As you may know, the bottom
      Babies craze in the 1990’s. Some of these toys  finally dropped out of the Beanie Babies market,

      were made in both the US and Canada and were  and I managed to buy a dozen in the Yukon on
      so marked on their body tags—the Canadian, by  sale—no sign restricting them now and used
      law, of course, in French and English. The rarer  them as giveaways to the native villagers. The
      pieces were those made in Canada, bringing on  customs men had returned to being their old,

      the collector’s market double or more than the  friendly selves and waved me through.
      price of the US ones. And Canada was fearful               The Mounties were after more interesting
      that the Americans would come over the  criminals than I, and usually got their man, but
      border, buy up all the precious Canadian-tagged  the customs and excise chaps had not got me.

      varieties, and sell them in the US leaving the poor        Somewhere in some far flung and remote
      Canadian children with no Beanie Babies to buy. excise post there might be a poster with my face
          I found out later that this was a fad in all the  (and side view) with big lettering “WANTED: FOR
      stores in Anchorage, and the collector’s stores  ILLEGAL EXPORT OF CANADIAN NATIONAL

      advertised “Wanted: Canadian Tagged Beanie  TREASURES” on it, and surely by now the statute
      Babies” and were willing to pay handsomely for  of limitations has long since expired since the
      them. But back to the story at hand.                   great Beanie Babies caper. No pair of shiny silver
          Perhaps the officer thought we had not heard  bracelets and big, ugly men asking me, “Whatcha

      him, or his Canadian-Scottish brogue, but he  in for?” in the prison yard.
      asked us again if we had any Canadian-tagged
      Beanie Babies. Sadly, we all said, no. We were                            “O Canada, eh?”
      then allowed to re-enter the car after stowing our

      bags back in the “boot” and tootle off to the good
      ole USA where you could buy as many Beanie
      Babies as your heart desired. No cheery farewell
      was issued, just that grim determination to stop

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