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       The Toastmasters Work Ethic

       Eldred Brown, DTM, IPDD

       Only those who dare to fail greatly can achieve greatly

       ~ Robert F. Kennedy

     In the 14 years I’ve been in Toastmasters, I’ve              remind yourself daily that “if it is to be, it
     identified a unique work ethic that has made                 is up to me.”

     many people successful in Toastmasters, in
     their careers, and in life. I call it the Toastmasters   2.  Seek challenges
     Work Ethic. Consistent with the triads we love               Don’t be afraid to take on challenges that
     to use in our speeches, I have organized my                  appear too big for you at first. You will

     analysis of this work ethic into three main tasks.           receive guidance from those who have taken
     They do follow a sequence of sorts, so it works              on the challenges before you. Listen to their
     best to apply these sequentially.                            advice and follow their recommendations.
                                                                  You don’t have to know what to do as long

     1.  Take charge of your growth                               as you surround yourself with mentors
        You are responsible for your growth,                      who do. Don’t be afraid to fail or to make
        personally, in Toastmasters, and in your                  mistakes, for in failures and mistakes you
        career. Do not expect other people to take                will see opportunities to grow.

        charge of your growth for you. You know
        best what you want to achieve and what                3.  Acknowledge your mistakes and learn from
        you need to do to achieve it. Others can                  them
        offer you valuable insight on what lies on                Let’s face it. If you seek challenges and risk-

        the road ahead of you and on strengths you                taking challenges that are too big for you,
        have but don’t know yet, but only you have                you will make mistakes. You will embarrass
        the power to decide what to do with those                 yourself at times. I’ve embarrassed myself
        insights. Take responsibility for yourself and            a few times. What defines you, though, is

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