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                       WELCOME NEW MEMBERS                                                                                             HONORING EDUCATIONAL AWARDS

                             Club Name                                                                                              AWARD              DATE                     MEMBER                             Club NAME

        Capital Toastmasters Club                          Richardson, Robert                                                        EH1            6/15/2022      Alan R. Svehaug, DTM               New Beginnings Toastmasters

        New Beginnings Toastmasters                        Roy, Sayantani                                                            EH1             6/7/2022      Alicia Hamilton, EH1               West Beaverton Club

        Waffle Toasters                                    Ruiz, Brianna                                                             PM2            6/23/2022      Barb Schimmel, PM2                 Vancouver Toastmasters Club

        Rose City Toasters Club                            Shakur, Messiah                                                           MS1             6/8/2022      Ben Schubert, MS1                  Portland Club

        Pearl District Toastmasters Club                   Smith, Garrett                                                            LD1            6/29/2022      Brandi Hyland, LD1                 Essayons Club
        Noon Talkers                                       Stuart, Gary                                                       PWMENTORPGM           6/28/2022      Brent Smith, EC5                   Dallas Toastmasters

        Southern Oregon Speechmasters                      Unbehaun, Justin (Kaladin)                                                DL3             6/6/2022      Brian Mandell, DL3                 CareOregon

        Rose City Toasters Club                            Villemyer, Ryan                                                           PM4            6/21/2022      Brinn Hemmingson, PM4              Portland Progressives

        Rose City Toasters Club                            Wood, Kylen                                                               SR1            6/21/2022      Charissa L. Yang, SR3              PR Masters

        New Beginnings Toastmasters                        Yoder, Chant                                                              SR2            6/21/2022      Charissa L. Yang, SR3              PR Masters

                                                                                                                                     SR3            6/21/2022      Charissa L. Yang, SR3              PR Masters
                                                                                                                                     IP1             6/9/2022      Cherise Billington, IP1            Vancouver Toastmasters Club

            What should young people do with                                                                                         EH3            6/28/2022      Cheryl McFadden, IP1               Feedbackers Toastmasters Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lake Oswego Toastmasters Club
                                                                                                                                                                   Chris W. Swanson, EH3
                  their lives today? Many things,                                                                                    PM2            6/12/2022      Cyndi Hubb, PI1                    Toast Of Tualatin, Lam Research
                                                                                                                                                                   Deanne Englund, PM2
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Tell Me A Story
          obviously. But the most daring thing                                                                                       EH1            6/17/2022      Denise Holmes, EH1                 Washington Street Club
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Washington Street Club
                                                                                                                                                                   Denise Holmes, EH1
                 is to create stable communities                                                                                     EC4            6/21/2022      Denise M. Badolato, DTM            Portland Progressives
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Portland Progressives
                                                                                                                                                                   Denise M. Badolato, DTM
                 in which the terrible disease of                                                                                    TC3            6/20/2022      Dorothy Cottingham, DTM, PID       Cedar Hills Club
                                                                                                                                                                   Edwin Burton, IP1
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Essayons Club
                                                                                                                                     LD3            6/28/2022      Elizabeth A. Murphree, LD3         Liberty Talkers
                                                                                                                                     VC5             6/2/2022      Elizabeth Harris, VC5              Early Words Club
                           loneliness can be cured.                                                                                  VC4             6/2/2022      Elizabeth Harris, VC5              Early Words Club

                                                                             – Kurt Vonnegut                                         EH1            6/10/2022      Ellen Ino, DTM                     Portland Progressives

                                                                                                                                     PM2            6/28/2022      Gilchrist Amanda, PM2              Waffle Toasters
                                                                                                                                     VC2             6/7/2022      Jacquelyn Kamstra                  West Beaverton Club

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