Page 32 - july 2022
P. 32


                                              Make Your Speech Sparkle

                                                                                                     Jennifer Schmidt, EH2

       When I celebrated the Fourth of July as a child,  when Toastmasters told me of their positive and                               Making it fun for the audience
       my favorite firework was the sparkler. An  negative experiences with athletic pursuits. The
       electric bouquet of shooting stars captivating  spark was struck, the story lit up their memory                           Ensure your message is worth their time.

       me with the magic of light and sizzle. When I  helping them identify with the themes in my                             A great way to achieve this is to make it fun.
       write a speech, especially for contests, I want  speech. The personal story and emotions were                          When the audience laughs it’s powerful and
       to create that same feeling of delight and  the fuel that fed those memories. They formed                              confirms they’re listening and enjoying
       surprise for the audience. Achieving this as a  a connection with the listener.                                        themselves. True confession here: I also like

       writer is thrilling. It may seem easy for writers                                                                      having fun when delivering the speech. Usually
       to create this magic. It is not. My first draft                 Making it real for the audience                        if I’m having a good time, the audience will
       requires fine tuning and practice until I feel                                                                         feel that too, and become enthused with my
       it achieves sparkle. The three main elements              Every personal story I tell is real, it                      energy. How do I create fun? Usually with dry

       essential for successful sparkle are: making it  happened to me. Some speakers decide to                               humor, self-deprecation, and the power of
       personal, real, and fun.                               enhance their story for emphasis. I’ve found                    exaggeration. By demonstrating exceptionally
                                                              it’s critical that the story core be as real as                 bad swimming strokes with my body or
               Making it personal for the audience            possible. Audiences can feel when it’s not. You                 emphasizing the baaad in badminton with my

                                                              can’t fool them. They’ll resent your attempt                    voice, my delivery becomes engaging. Not only
          Life experience stories have helped me  and view it as inauthentic. They want to hear                               is it fun to do, but audiences also find these
       win several Toastmasters contests because the  from the real you. This bravery bolsters their                          nuances memorable.
       audience easily relates to the topic. “Drop Shot”  belief in what you’re saying and solidifies the                        Remember it's your unique sparkle that

       was an epic tale of how I successfully executed  credibility of your message. An audience that                         is the path to success. If you fine tune your
       a drop shot in badminton that was impossible  doesn’t believe you, will stop listening and your                        stories through audience feedback, share your
       to return, even by my most athletic challenger.  message is lost. “How does your real self come                        personal experiences that are real and fun,
       This sole athletic achievement (after miserable  through?” Convey your conviction to the story                         you're well on the way to creating a magical

       failures at flag football and swimming) was a  with true joy, excitement, and disappointment                           and memorable speech that will sparkle.
       pivotal triumph in my short sporting career.  using your voice, gestures, and message tools.
       Failure and success are universal life themes.  The audience will tell you when they care about
       Even in an audience of athletes, they have failed  the journey of your speech. I’ve seen nods,

       at something. My main message was you learn  snickers, and empathetic glances that confirm
       and then keep trying until you find your way  the appreciation for my efforts, because I was
       to success. I knew “Drop Shot” was relatable  my real self on stage.

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