Page 19 - Voices-2022-02
P. 19
hear things like, “You’re still muted,” or “Can you with respect.
hear me now?” during a Toastmasters meeting. In my former life when I worked for a living,
Children and pets occasionally make surprise a rather arrogant co-worker had a poster in his
guest appearances. All we can do is roll with it cubicle that said, “Those of you who think you
and let go of our pre-conceived notions of how know everything are annoying those of us who
a meeting is supposed to run. Life happens, do.” Apparently, he didn’t know everything, or
but we carry on. Learning to be flexible is not he would have realized what a condescending
one of the primary skills we focus on learning jerk he was most of the time. Being right isn’t
in Toastmasters, but it certainly is a great side all it’s cracked up to be. Yes, it’s nice to be right,
benefit. Being flexible serves us well, because the but sometimes it’s better to be nice.
rest of life is usually even much less structured
than a Toastmasters meeting. Being flexible
means listening to others and treating everyone