Page 18 - Voices-2022-02
P. 18


                                     Right vs Nice

                      PJ Kleffner, DTM - Immediate Past District Director

       I like to be right, and I suppose most people  point of order when conducting business under
       feel the same way. However, being right isn’t  parliamentary procedure, the Toastmaster (or
       always the best course of action. The tricky part  any speaker) should not be interrupted.

       is knowing when to hold onto your position, or            If part of the normal meeting routine is
       let it go. Imagine the following scenario, which  omitted, it is not the end of the world. It is up
       should be easy to do, because I see it happen  to the General Evaluator to provide feedback to
       fairly often:                                         the Toastmaster during the overall evaluation

          The Toastmaster is introducing the next  of the meeting. In this context, the feedback
       speaker and you hear that little voice in the back  is totally appropriate, and not perceived as an
       of your head shouting, “Wait, you didn’t ask  attack. In the spirit of keeping our meetings a
       the Evaluator to read the objectives!” Then you  safe and nurturing place to learn, let’s tell those

       realize that it was YOU shouting “Wait, you didn’t  inner voices to sit down and be quiet, and let the
       ask the Evaluator to read the objectives!” The  Toastmaster and General Evaluator do their jobs.
       Toastmaster regains his composure, even though            Zoom changed a lot of what we do in
       it is his first time filling the Toastmaster role. The  Toastmasters, and some of the changes are

       Speaker is distracted by the interruption but she  actually positive. For example, in the above
       recovers and delivers her speech. Visitors are now  scenario, you can discreetly send a private
       in shock and refuse to speak, afraid they might  chat to the Toastmaster so they can circle back
       do something wrong and be verbally attacked.          to anything they skipped in the meeting. It is

          Unfortunately, I’ve seen this scenario unfold  also easy to record your speech and go back
       in a number of meetings, and have even done it  to review it for a very real, and sometimes
       myself. One day, I saw a better way to handle this  uncomfortable learning experience. I also don’t
       in a Club that has very experienced members.  miss the one-hour round trip commute to my

       During the evaluation phase of the meeting,  weekly meeting.
       the experienced General Evaluator mentioned               On the flip side, human beings aren’t perfect,
       that the Toastmaster is in charge of running  and neither is technology. Those of us who grew
       the meeting. With the exception of raising a  up with in-person meetings never dreamed we’d

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