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Renewals - One Treasurer’s Approach

 Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

                                                                                   Here are a couple cost

                                                                             saving tips if you use PayPal to
                                                                        collect payment:
                                                                           1.  Go through the process to

                                                                               get the PayPal Nonprofit rate.
                                                                               For this one time process,
                                                                               l send PayPal a copy of the
                                                                               Nonprofit Determination
                                                                               letter that Toastmasters has

                                                                               available on their website.
                                                                           2.  Get the PayPal Business
                                                                               Debit Card, and use it to

                                                                               make your dues payments to
                                                                               Toastmasters International.
                                                                               You’ll get 1% cash back from
                                                                             Just remember, whatever

                                                                       method you use to collect dues
                                                                     from your members, be sure to
                                                                  promptly pay the dues to Toastmasters


                                                                                  VOICES! | AUGUST 2021         17
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