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                                            Renewals - One Treasurer’s Approach

                                            Jim Robison, DTM - Club Growth Director

         September and March are the two                     the deadline approaches that they need
         months of the year when Club Treasurers             to get their dues paid.
         pursue club members to remind them to                   When preparing to send the first

         pay their dues. I am currently serving for          invoice, and each time I prepare to follow
         the 9th time as a Club Treasurer, and I’ve          up, I like to print out the club roster from
         learned a few things along the way.                 club central at, and

            First, start early. I like to start              check each member’s “Paid Until” date.
         reminding members that dues are                     This way I can be certain that everyone
         coming due in August or February. Some              who has paid has been credited at TI
         time between early August/February                  (although I need to wait for TI to prepare
         and the first of September/March, I                 the semi-annual dues invoices in order

         send a dues invoice. Some members will              to pay them online). In some cases, a new
         pay immediately. Many members will                  member paid for the next six months
         pay in early to mid September/March.                when they joined, and I don’t want to

         Some members will pay at the end of                 send them an invoice. This print out also
         September/March. After sending my                   gives me a hard copy of the member list
         initial invoice to members in August/               that I can keep in the club files so that 5
         February, I will then send a followup               or 10 years down the road, when we are
         to those who did not pay early, in early            holding a special anniversary event, we

         September/March, and another followup               can have past member’s information in
         about mid month.                                    order to invite them.
            If I don’t hear back from a member                   How do you collect payments? Cash,

         by the last week of the month, I will               check, money order (in all my years as a
         directly contact them. Usually I try                Club Treasurer I only had one member
         email first, then a phone call if I did not         pay dues with a money order), credit/
         get an answer to the email. This process            debit card, PayPal, Venmo, others?  In
         usually requires about a half hour to send          some cases the member has their

         the first invoice, and just a few minutes           dues paid by their employer, be
         each time I do follow up. Oh yeah, I also           sure to properly track whose
         remind members at every meeting as                  membership is paid.

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