Page 31 - Voices-2021-05
P. 31


                               MAYBE OPTIONS FOR MAY

                                                 Barry Lee Coyne, ATMS

                 As May flourishes in our midst, let us hone in on sample Table
                 Topics. Practice wordplay as well.

                 This time we can use this month as a friendly springboard.  We
                 will equip May with a wee extender. Let imagination intrude!!!

                 MAYDAY..means danger ahead. Think of a hazard your family has


                 MAYHEM..connotes violence. Mass shootings have made headlines.
                 What would be your remedy to reduce their number?

                 MAYONNAISE..makes us think of picnics and sandwiches. Take us
                 thru preparation of your favorite and explain why.

                 MAYPOLE..motivates us to circle around and still be tethered.
                 Describe a job resembling same.

                 WIll those choices be sufficient?  Shall we consult

                 with the Mayor?  Maybe not!

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2021        31
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