Page 30 - Voices-2021-05
P. 30


       response to that incessant tapping?We have not  recruiting new members for Toastmasters, and
       just been socially distant but have had some  reaching out to those who have fallen by the
       of our personal goals put on hold as well. It is  wayside of Covid-19 regulations. I invite you to

       the same with Toastmasters. Educational goals  join me on that band wagon of possibility, of
       in Pathways, the Distinguished Toastmaster  sustainability, and of durability for a program
       award, even leadership plans, objectives, and  needed now more than ever.
       goals have all been put on the back burner as we          Yes, I believe in science fiction! For it may

       embraced the “new normalcy” of our meeting  not be as fictitious as we think, but instead the
       style and structure. I had a potential new club  search for a working reality. I look to return
       that scheduled a kick-off meeting in late March  “back to the future,” taking the lessons of the
       2020. That meeting never came about as the  past, applying what we know of this present, and

       sponsoring body closed its doors due to the  creating a glorious and successful future in all
       pandemic and is only now considering opening  that we do, especially the Toastmasters program.
       some of their classrooms and halls for public  Dig out your com badge from your youth, get
       gatherings. That may all change soon. That will  your tricorder ready, and prepare to beam up.

       assist me to achieve another DTM in the near  Okay, okay. Bring that phaser with you if you
       future. As I look at it, the “back to the future”  must. Let us go boldly where no one has gone
       that I was engaged in.                                before, back…to the future!
           I was privileged to mentor a club pre-2020.

       Sadly, due to downsizing and office closings, etc.,
       that club has folded. The great and dynamic
       meetings they held during their weekly lunch-
       hour club meeting will never be duplicated in

       the “new normal.” They no longer meet as teams
       or as a corporate body in the immediate area.
       Everything is being run out of a small office miles
       away. They went from 250 employees and staff

       down to six or seven. I was called two weeks ago
       and told that a group of former members may
       be interested in developing a new club, going
       “back to the future” after this summer.

           I am excited about the possibilities of our
       return. I can envision what could be. I embrace
           need for our clubs back in full operation,

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