Page 34 - July 2020
P. 34


       No! No! Hell No!

       I’m Not Joining Toastmasters!

       Gloria Cox, CC, CL

      The following speech was given by Gloria Cox, member of New Horizons Toastmasters, on
      June 20,2020. It was her final speech for her Competent Commmunicator award. It is reprinted

      here by permission.

          I was first introduced to Toastmasters                 After a while, Cleon started making me attend
      in 1980 when I worked for Bechtel in  the seminars at the conferences. He would tell
      San Francisco. Three of my bosses were  me which ones to avoid and which ones I might

      involved in Toastmasters, and I typed  like. I avoided the ones where I had to talk. I had
      up their agendas. I finally asked, “What is  no intention of joining Toastmasters. I do not like
      Toastmasters?” They told me to come to  writing speeches or speaking in front of people.
      a meeting, and they would buy me lunch.   I am one of those people who would rather die

      When I went and found out you had to  than speak in front of anyone.
      speak in front of people, I said: “no thanks”              I remember one time we were having dinner.
      to joining Toastmasters. I told my husband,  Just before the contest started, suddenly, one of
      Cleon, that he should join. Cleon said he  the men at our table disappeared. The next thing

      didn’t need it—he didn’t have a problem  I knew, he was up on stage competing. He didn’t
      speaking in front of people. (He didn’t realize  seem nervous when we were eating dinner. I
      the value of Toastmasters at that time.)  couldn’t believe he was one of the speakers.
      Thirty-five years ago, we moved to                         We attended conferences for many years.

      Oregon. A friend suggested to Cleon that  People would ask Cleon why didn’t he try to get
      he should join Toastmasters. He did and  me to join. He would tell them he wanted to stay
      has been a member for twenty-five years.  married to me. He finally stopped asking. We ran
      We attended District conferences, District  into a man I had met earlier at one of the contests.

      contests, and Regional conferences in Eugene,  He asked me if I had joined Toastmasters yet. I
      Medford, Bend, Timberline, and Lincoln City. I  said no, I hadn’t. He then told me I was the most
      only attended the dinners and contests. Then I’d  stubborn person he had ever met. I didn’t think
      go out on my own or with someone I had met.   I was being stubborn. I just didn’t want to join.

      At the dinners or contests, I would meet people            When I lost my job in 2013, Cleon told me
      who would ask me, “What club do you belong  he wanted me to attend Toastmasters meetings
      to?” I would say, “I am not a member, but my  with him—so I did (I still had no intention of
      husband is.”                                           joining). He wanted me to pick up some hints

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