Page 29 - May 2020
P. 29


                                             Finding Your Way

                                        in An Uncertain Future

                                                 Norman Wolfe, PM5

      We have witnessed an interesting paradox after  customer’s needs as they show up.
      speaking to many companies during these  •  Are you preparing for the future?
      challenging times. The simultaneous need to  •  Are you able to create a path forward in these
      hunker down to preserve what exists and also               uncertain times, empowering your company

      plan for an almost completely uncertain future.            to make choices and respond to whatever
          All of the companies are clearly responding to         might show up?
      the need to preserve, but not all are recognizing  •  Are you getting ahead of your competition,
      the opportunity to prepare for the future. Are             getting your company ready for what is to

      you preparing yourself to respond quickly to the           come?
      needs of your customers, whatever that may be?             Don’t let yourself be stopped by an uncertain
            We are used to planning our future with a  future. Start by knowing your reason for existing
      certain amount of predictability based on what  and who you serve.  Accept the world as it shows

      we have seen in the past. Many leaders will  up, don’t try to force it back to the world you
      assume that once the crisis subsides, we will  used to know. See how the current situation
      return to business as usual. Yet, the future is not  is affecting those you serve. Then open to the
      likely to be the same as the past.                     creative impulses of how your organization can

           There is another way. Improvisation is the art  move into the future that is emerging. You will
      of responding in complete uncertainty. Planning  end up right where you need to be without the
      with an Improv-Mindset is the ability to respond  need to know, plan, or control.
      to whatever shows up in a way that aligns with             Norman Wolfe, founder and CEO of Quantum Leaders,

      and enhances your organization’s purpose.              is a leading voice in bringing about a transformation of
           Like people, companies have the opportunity  the core paradigm of business. He is a 15-year veteran of
      to stop and reflect on how they’ve been operating  Hewlett Packard, has led companies large and small, been a

      and who they want to be going forward. We have  public company director, and has over 30 years consulting
      worked with a number of companies helping  and mentoring leaders in a wide range of industries.
      them understand the story they are operating               Wolfe is the author of The Living Organization,
      from, gaining clarity about their core purpose,  an application of the core principles of how the world
      and how they might serve their customers in a  works to how organizations (including families) and

      new way. We call this Context Mapping.                 indivdiuals can create extraordinary impact.
           With this as a foundation, the leaders and the        Contact Norman at
      company overall can tap into a deeper sense of  to set up a free 30 minute consultation.
      knowing, allowing them to pivot quickly to their                            Article reprinted with permission.

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