Page 25 - May 2020
P. 25

instructor’s certificate and taught all the “fun”      experience or a license. Thus, this was not too a
      classes no one else wanted: remedial math,             horrific or taxing duty. Twice a week I took them

      remedial English, physical education, and history      on the road in a van or smaller vehicle to practice
      introductory classes. I also lived in an apartment     their parking, lane changing, and freeway skills.
      on-site in a penthouse that overlooked the Pacific     For my first year, I had 100% success rate, and
      Ocean and served as the dorm “father” 24/7.            the students had zero accidents. A great time

      However, it was the “and other duties as assigned”     was had by all. That was until September of the
      that brought me to  the “help, I’m going to die”       following year.
      moment.                                                    Oh, what a fateful day that was! I had two
         The special duty was to assist those who did        male students with no prior driving experience

      not have a commercial license permit to drive          or license. One was from Pendleton, Oregon
      the college’s vans or other vehicles in California     and the other from an Alaskan Native village.
      to obtain one through the Department of Motor          “Cowboy” Tom “drove” his horse (the family
      Vehicles. While I could not administer the actual      tractor) and seemed to be able to adjust to us

      behind-the-wheel test, I was officially allowed        “city folk” and more than three cars on the road
      to give them practice written tests and be their       at any time. Within two months Tom was done.
      instructor for the final license exam.                 License in hand,he became a good, cautious,
         Most of the students had prior driving              and sensible driver.

                                                                                      VOICES! | MAY 2020        25
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