Page 13 - April 2020
P. 13
successful in the coming year. It all starts to present, AND a BRIEF description
now with forming a nominating committee, of your vision for the session.
and electing your new Club officers at your If you know someone else who you think
first meeting in May. After the election, be would be a good presenter, please encourage
sure to submit the new officer list online them to submit their information. Or,
at Club Central, so the new officers will maybe you have an idea for a topic, but
have access to online tools and resources don’t want to be the presenter – I would
to conduct Club business when they take like to hear your ideas. TLI could be one of
office on July 1st. the first major events you get to attend in
I am currently seeking presenters person, so let’s make it a great one!
for TLI. If you have a strong interest or We are living in interesting times,
passion for one of the officer roles or and we’ll get through it together. As
other suitable topic, and would like to be Toastmasters, we are constantly learning
a session presenter, please contact me at new skills and supporting each other on our, no later than individual journeys. A microscopic critter
May 15, 2020. Please include the following may prevent us from meeting in person,
information: but we’re learning to cope and becoming
• Your name experts at holding online meetings. Those
• Your home club of you who have not yet retired, can
• Email address take those skills back to work with you,
• How long you have been a Toastmaster just like all the other things you learn in
• What level of educational awards you Toastmasters. Meanwhile, remember to
have achieved in Toastmasters “Keep calm and carry on”.
• The topic or session you would like
VOICES! | APRIL 2020 13