Page 11 - April 2020
P. 11
fellow Toastmasters are You can let what comes control you or you
here to encourage our can direct your own growth.
butterfly experience. We applaud our Tend to your own growth. Water your
emergence into the butterfly we are meant growth in a refreshing way. Let the sunshine
to be. of your radiance be seen. Fertilize and
The last month was a time of transition nurture yourself with positivity. Remember
from our regular Toastmasters in-person that you make a difference. Being contagious
meetings to attending meetings in a new with positive energy will boost your immune
way—ONLINE. I’ve received positive system and the immune systems of others
feedback from many of you about the online that you share in our new paradigm. Out of
sessions. I am thrilled you are embracing adversity comes ingenuity, inventiveness,
this opportunity and challenge to grow in a and new purpose. Or in other words: Out
new direction. It is a new paradigm! As they of the manure of life comes the Shitake
say, “Shift Happens.” We have had a lot of Mushrooms that we seek and enjoy!
unexpected “Shift” thrown at us to adapt to. PJ, Eldred, and I are here for you. If you
There has been “Shift” before us that would need anything or have questions, please
try to make us slip and fall. We are making reach out. Remember we are here for each
the best of the “Shift” that has been dealt to other. We, Toastmasters, are a vital antidote
us. I know good is coming out of it. My best to “Social Isolation.” Please share the antidote
advice when giving a speech online is to a) and make a difference.
be prepared; b) dress up with pride (at least
from the waist up—little bunny slippers Virtual hugs and love to you all!
and pajamas are optional); c) make sure
the video is on; d) unmute yourself; and, e)
take off the face mask (you are safe) so we
can better evaluate your speech.
You have the power to shape your future.
VOICES! | APRIL 2020 11