Page 18 - October 2019
P. 18
Write Here, Right Now: After Action Report
Ken Coomes, PM1
Saturday, October 12, 2019, we held a writer’s
workshop called Write Here, Right Now. You may Heather Ames
have read about it in the September issue of
this magazine. This was my High Performance
Leadership project. My vision was to launch it
this year as an inaugural event, hoping it would
continue annually. The workshop was fantastic,
feedback overwhelmingly positive and many
attendees and presenters expressed their intent
to attend next year.
Thirty people attended. They included a
young “Little Toastie” Toastmaster, an illustrator,
a pair of voice actors doing audio books and a
number of writers and aspiring writers. It was a than one path to getting published. She
good mix of Toastmasters and non-Toastmasters, pointed out that we don’t want to create
ages ranging from 12 to 70 and beyond. The villains that “we love,” because then our
pictures included here are courtesy of James readers would also love them. It’s OK for
Wantz, who served as Toastmaster of the event villains to have one or more redeeming
and photographer. qualities, but they should definitely be
We kicked it off with an excellent presentation villainous.
by a local writer and teacher, Angela M. Sanders. The audience also considered the panel
(more information about our presenters is discussion one of the highlights, and wants
available at ). this particular panel to return. You can
Everyone learned valuable lessons about the see me, Leeza Steindorf and Warren C.
various Paths to Publication, and a few tricks of Easley here. We talked about things we
the trade. Feedback from attendees recognized wished we had learned before starting on
her as one of the top presenters, and they want the adventure of writing published works,
her back next year. and answered questions from the audience.
Heather Ames spoke on Creating Three Warren writes the award-winning Cal
Dimensional Characters. She also shared a Claxton Oregon Mystery series and Leeza
wealth of personal experience, having used more is an award-winning non-fiction author.