Page 17 - October 2019
P. 17

few times. What defines you, though, is not                 I can’t guarantee that this Toastmasters
      that you make mistakes, but how you recover             Work Ethic will make you successful with
      from your mistakes. Do you stay down in the             every employer. Some simply won’t value the

      dirt and wallow in self-pity? Or do you get up,         Toastmasters Work Ethic and what this brings
      brush yourself off, and try again? No person can        to their workplace. But I have found that this
      achieve true success in life without cultivating the    work ethic is the only way I can truly experience
      latter attitude. You made a mistake? Good! What         growth in any area of my life. I have used it to

      can you learn from it? Examine what you did             grow in my Toastmasters journey. I have used
      that failed. Evaluate the mistakes you made. Do         it to grow as a music director and musician. I
      again what you did that failed, but this time don’t     have used it to grow in my career as a software
      repeat the mistake you made before. Thomas              engineer. By following the three steps I define

      Edison is said to have failed a thousand times          above, take charge of your growth, seek
      before finally producing a light bulb that worked.      challenges, and learn from your mistakes, you
      When asked about this, he said, “I didn’t fail a        can also grow as a person, Toastmaster, and
      thousand times. The light bulb was an invention         professional.

      with a thousand steps.”

 “Every great cause is born from repeated failures and from imperfect achievements.”

                                                                                ~ Maria Montessori

                                                                                 VOICES! | OCTOBER 2019       17
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