Page 21 - June 2019
P. 21
Have you identified your Pathways DTM project? It’s not as mysterious or complicated as some may think. It may be a project to benefit your club, your
area, your division, or your district. Or, it may be a project to benefit another organization. And it can be an incredibly fulfilling learning experience! Below,
seven pioneering Pathways DTMs share about their DTM projects.
Roger Fung - D50 (Greater Dallas Area), Marketing Consultant
Project: Developed and conducted Pathways webinar series. Topics
included Pathways demystified and evaluation technique showcase.
Primary goals: 1) timely training for clubs and members; and 2) Proficiency
and ease with online meetings.
Organization: Greater Dallas Area (D50) - open to all Toastmasters
Benefits: Participants experienced firsthand how to leverage social media and online
tools to further their careers.
Insights: Communities are eager for effective leaders who are ready to step up. We can’t
make anyone accept change, we can only encourage, provide resources, and offer support.
Mike Kano-McCallum - D70 (New South Wales), Project Manager
Project: Formed and led a Project Delivery and Project Management
Office (PMO) Network across large diverse organization, using “soft
power” as I had no formal authority. Networked across ten project groups
to drive consistent high quality practice. Provided extensive support to
100+ project managers as PMOs enhanced the network.
Organization: 10 divisions delivering highly diverse services across New South Wales,
each with its own project management office
Benefits: Built a strong community of practice, uplifted many people’s project
management skills, and made many new friends.
Insight: Discovered people’s extrinsic and intrinsic drivers, and how true social power
often transcends organizational hierarchies.
VOICES! | JUNE 2019 21