Page 12 - 2019 April
P. 12
Handling the Flood
John Rodke, DTM - District Director
I hope you and your community are safe Leadership and Communication are the two
and recovering from our recent flooding. The pillars of Toastmasters. These are exemplified
torrents of water flowing through, and some- within our leaders and contestants this year. Both
times overflowing, our beautiful rivers reminded sets of brave volunteers have stepped out of their
me of the saying: “It’s like drinking water out comfort zones and into their growth zones, it has
of a firehose!” This is a common experience of been so cool to see them succeed, but also to fail.
information overload when we try something The look on a leaders face when they have that
new, and when life sends a plethora of growth reflective “aha” moment after messing up, or a
opportunities our way. In Toastmasters, we get contestant who receives 2nd, 3rd, or 4th place
the chance to practice how we handle these situ- for their speech, is inspiring and an honor to
ations when they arise. behold. You can see the internal dialogue (some-
On a cold Friday morning during the “snow- times really brutal, yet enlightening), then the
pocalypse” in Eugene, our club was locked out of self-awareness, followed by the joy of learning
our meeting space. Instead of panicking or being (sometimes accompanied with a rueful smile),
too discombobulated, the frosty club went a few and finally, the calm and collected determination
blocks away and had a meeting in a coffeehouse. to do better next time. I believe this is how life
We were thrown a snowball, adjusted, and had provides us our most valuable lessons. Wisdom
a great meeting with a new member joining and understanding are hard-earned.
because she was impressed with our ability to A huge shout out of thanks to our leaders and
adapt. A powerful mantra that goes along with contestants who have stepped up this year, failed
the firehose saying is: “If you aren’t falling, you a bit, and grown through the process. You are
aren’t trying hard enough.” what make this organization thrive, and improve