Page 10 - 2019 April
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members. He kept receiving “District Dollars” He attended district events, conferences, and visits for Ted Corcoran’s Presidential Visit to person to person by word of mouth. Cox opined
in the mail for doing so. (The District ran an contests though he didn’t compete until the late District 7 back in 2003.” “80-90% of the job openings out there are
incentive program for several years that awarded 1990s. “My first competition, they actually ‘lured’ Cleon has a mantra: ‘In everything I hidden—meaning they haven’t been thought
District Dollars for achieving goals—one of me in, threw me into it before I realized what do, I must have fun, meet people, and learn of, they haven’t been publicized, the company
which was membership growth). By the time he it was. After that, I didn’t compete for a couple something.’ I’ve quoted him numerous times doesn’t realize they need the person—many
figured out what they were, he had accumulated of years.” as I’ve spread the message of Toastmasters to reasons make it hidden. It’s relationship building
enough to purchase the entire library of In the beginning, Cleon felt guilty because everyone who would listen. not just passing out business cards.”
advanced manuals. of how many people he was talking to about I asked him why he attends so many When asked what could others do to be
Cleon remembered that at one point, Dave Toastmasters. ‘Proselytizing’ is the word he used. networking events and what’s his purpose in effective in meeting people, Cleon shared “be
Hiller, the then District Governor, asked him to After much soul searching, he realized he was doing so. “I began going to networking events open, listen in depth. Quiet the questions in your
come on stage at one of the District meetings and offering a beneficial solution, and that people after I started the Job Finders Support Group head and just listen. Find out about the people.
share how he was so successful at recruiting new had free will to follow his suggestions or not. He 27 years ago. I realized that people looking for The value is getting to know them.”
members. Cleon said when he looked out over continues to follow that philosophy today as he work needed to be out meeting other people. It’s From a young man afraid to connect with
the audience, there were over a hundred pairs of interacts with people around the world. not the only way to do it, but it is probably the people to the Networking Whisperer as he calls
eyes looking at him. While still not comfortable As an example, consider Cleon on social most efficient way to go about it. Many people himself today, Cleon continues to inspire me
in large crowds, he held his ground and talked media. When complete strangers ask to connect, don’t want to do that. They’d rather just mail in to follow his lead. As Gary Schmidt said, Cleon
to the attendees. he responds “sure, have you heard about resumes, but they don’t get the results they need. shares himself and his experiences for the love
Cleon became more involved in Toastmasters. Toastmasters?” Often they reply that they’ve “So I began going to groups and then telling of doing so without expectation of reward. His
considered joining. Cleon then connects them people about it in my support group. I told them dedication to learning and leading others to
to a club in their area. He’s been known to go a I met this person, I met that person, and what discover their own skills and abilities is a gift
step further and ask the hosting club to mention opportunities were out there.” worth cherishing indeed.
his name when the guest shows up! Cleon often talks about the ‘hidden’ job
Over the years, he has earned multiple market, the one that passes information from
pins, neckties, and other paraphernalia from
Toastmasters International for the number of
people he’s converted to members. Every couple
of years or so, someone at a District meeting, will
ask everyone who had been recruited by Cleon
to stand. Over half the room will be on its feet.
Gary Schmidt, 2009-2010 Toastmasters
International President, awarded Cleon with
the 2010 President’s Citation “for his dedicated
service to the organization, his amazing
membership recruitment efforts, and his
continuous contributions without expectation
of reward. He has built countless Toastmasters
clubs, and he helped me organize the corporate