Page 46 - 2019 March Voices
P. 46


      Club Growth at

      Your Fingertips

      Michelle Alba-Lim, DTM

       Have you ever wondered if the online attendance          have a club within reasonable range.”
       option is worth considering? Here are three               This same former Toastmaster also contacted
       examples that might help you decide to explore  Feather Communicators and plans to visit
       online attendance for your club. . .                   online soon. With online (or remote) attendance,

                                                              members can move to another part of the state,
       Exhibit 1                                              the country, or the world—and still maintain

       Two weeks ago, Oregon Communicators received  their membership because they can attend
       an inquiry that read in part:                          online.

         “Hello, I was hoping you could tell me               Exhibit 2
         anything I may need to know about your               Although based in British Columbia (Canada),
         club. I see that the option to attend online         Club Coach Brian Dodd has contributed

         is available, which is great. Do you have            immensely to the resurgence of Oregon
         any current online attendees?”                       Communicators. At 79-years-young, Brian
                                                              is constantly bursting with creative PR and
       I responded:                                           marketing ideas. He uses his database of news

         “Yes, the option to attend online is one of          media outlets to help promote the club’s special
         the best decisions that the TI board has ever        learning events. He explores Instagram, Twitter,
         made. I couldn’t have joined the club. I live in     and other social media that appeal to young
         Sutherlin and Oregon Communicators is in             people. He even experimented with holding a

         La Pine. Other than me (VP-Membership),              “joint” meeting of two physical clubs with online
         our VP-Education also attends online. So             attendance—Oregon Communicators in La
         does my fellow club coach (from Victoria,            Pine and Royal Roads Toastmasters in British
         British Columbia!).                                  Columbia—wherein members of the Canadian

                                                              club zoomed into the Oregon club meeting. Next
       He responded:                                          month, Brian will be coordinating the opposite,
          “I was formerly a member of a Toastmasters          wherein Oregon Communicators members will
         Club —but due to a recent move I no longer           zoom into the Canadian club.

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