Page 44 - 2019 March Voices
P. 44
How do you apply your Toastmaster skills I’m not yet certain I would. I recently joined
outside the club? a second club because I’m so impressed by the
Right now, I am head-down on starting a quality of the Pathways content that I wanted to
non-profit. So, I really need the weekly club complete more of it, quicker. However, what is
meetings just to prevent deterioration of my most important to me is quality of life. This is a
public speaking skills. Occasionally, I present test to see if a second Toastmasters club adds to
the results of research studies but since I’m or takes away from my overall quality of life. I
winding down this business, these opportunities need to be an effective and supportive member
are decreasing. However, once my planning for at both clubs or else I’m not really helping
the WISE (Wellbeing for Individual, Society & anyone, including myself. In general, I believe
Environment) non-profit is complete, a lot of our society encourages too much “quantity of
public speaking will be necessary. There will life” and not enough “quality of life” experiences.
be major efforts around fund raising, building I’m determined to enjoy a high quality of life by
a Board of Directors and then promotion and not adding on too many superfluous activities.
speeches around why and how to join a WISE Right now I’m the Area 91 Director, the father
Team to play a game (the organization’s product) of two daughters (Maddie—a junior at Sunset
that will simultaneously increase individual’s High School, and Taylor—a sophomore at the
wellbeing, while reducing their environmental University of Oregon), I have two professional
footprint. If you’re interested in putting your careers/businesses that I’m pursuing and I’m
own public speaking skills to use on behalf of determined to be a leader (by example) in
this effort or a similar one, please let me know! maximizing my personal wellbeing and helping
others to do the same. I believe my joining the
You belong to two clubs. Why would you second club—Daylighters—will help me with
recommend it to others? life goals and to more fully realize wellbeing.
However, it’s still an experiment right now and I
can therefore only encourage others to consider
a second club, assuming you are already enjoying
your first club experience. Another consideration,
though, is to take your experience upward into
District Leadership opportunities. Toastmasters
really needs more Area Directors, so that is
another viable and worthwhile path, too.