Page 34 - Voices March 2018
P. 34


      A Perfect


      Avital Miller, ACB

       While I may live in a small coastal town in  mornings at the restaurant Pig ‘N Pancake. To

       Oregon, it seems we have almost all I need to  my surprise Toastmasters provided all I needed;
       launch a successful career. A year ago I moved  connection to community, refined preparation
       just outside of Newport, Oregon feeling this  for my speaking tour, and an excellent breakfast
       would be a quiet place to work on my book,  catered to my special dietary requirements!

       Healing Happens: Stories of Healing Against All  Whether a new member or long-time member,
       Odds, and prepare for my book tour launching  there is always a friendly face to greet you at the
       in April 2018. In the beginning the only time  meetings. Every meeting is filled with laughter
       I went to town was to buy groceries or attend  as many people in the club have a great sense

       a Yaquina Toastmasters meeting on Tuesday  of humor. Our president Brian Norris is very
                                                                tactful at keeping a great sense of harmony
                                                                among the members. I have made friends,
                                                                been given opportunities all over this region

                                                                to speak about my miracle healing stories and
                                                                success strategies. I see familiar faces in town
                                                                that make me feel like a welcome member of
                                                                this community. They have also encouraged

                                                                me to take on bigger roles within Toastmasters
                                                                to step out of my shell. Not only have those
                                                                roles helped me as a public speaker, but also
                                                                as a leader, and in my ability to communicate

                                                                in everyday conversations.
                                                                People say public speaking is one of their
                                                                biggest fears. To overcome fears, I find it
                                                                helpful to establish a supportive environment,

                                                                find a well-developed training system, and
                                                                obtain constructive feedback from people
                                                                more experienced than me. It takes courage to
                                                                take on a leadership role or stand in front of a

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