Page 30 - Voices March 2018
P. 30


      TV Toastmasters: A Televised

      Voice for District 7 Clubs

       Mitchell Priestley, ACB, CL

      The TV Toastmasters program is televised to  membership in the TV Toastmasters club is to

      every cable-subscribing home in the tri-county  serve as a bridge for District 7 clubs and members
      Greater Portland Metropolitan area, reaching  to be showcased on television. Guests appear on
      over 400,000 homes and untold viewers, with  the show without being required to join the TV
      each episode being broadcast a minimum of five  Toastmasters club in order to be featured. In

      times. For Toastmasters in District 7, this provides  this way, TV Toastmasters pursues the vision of
      an opportunity to up their game, increase  providing a televised voice to District 7, its clubs,
      their skill, and adapt their communication to  and their members. To learn more about this
      television. For viewers, it provides an opportunity  mission and the evolution of TV Toastmasters

      for interest and intrigue about Toastmasters as  in seven minutes, go to and enter
      an organization, hopefully motivating (at least  into the search box TVTMS03 evolution.
      a few of them each broadcast) to check out the             TV Toastmasters doesn’t just need in-front- website to find a club near  of-the-camera talent. Without crew, nothing

      them to visit. And for the clubs, the broadcast  could happen. For every segment featuring two
      provides a means to showcase its talent and to  Toastmasters engaged in an interview, at least
      invite viewers to visit their particular club.          four Toastmasters are working as television
          Beyond the initial five broadcasts, episodes  crew to manage the studio, supervise sound,

      are published to YouTube, where they can be  operate cameras, establish camera angles and
      found on the TV Toastmasters Oregon channel.            shots, and direct and produce the program. Even
      Each episode is 30 minutes and features two  after taping stops, many hours of editing and
      interviews. In each segment, a Toastmaster  post-production time and talent are required

      conducts an interview of an interesting guest,  to publish an episode of the TV Toastmasters
      often a fellow Toastmaster from their own  show. Every one of our studios needs more
      home club. Our goal for each segment is to be  Toastmasters who are interested in learning and
      interesting, informative, and inviting.                 mastering the art of making programs.

          What differentiates the TV Toastmasters club           Beaverton is our flagship studio, located at
      is that it is a club that serves District 7 clubs, rather  MACC/TVCTV, Tualatin Valley Community
      than serving its own members. Our members  Television, 15201 NW Greenbrier Parkway. We
      already are members of a home club. Their dual  tape there on the fourth Tuesday evening of each

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