Page 20 - Voices March 2018
P. 20




       Harvey Schowe, DTM - District 7 Historian

      Manley Frank Robison was born on December              Stidd, and Del
      28, 1899 in North Junction, Lane County,               Snider. He may

      Oregon. His parents divorced when he was a             have remained as
      small child. He attended school in Junction,           a member until
                                                             1946 when he resigned his Portland Chamber
      Oregon then enlisted as a private in the US
                                                             of Commerce job for a position with the State
      Army, during World War I, on February 25, 1918
                                                             of Oregon Highway Department. Portland
      at the age of 19. After basic training he served in
                                                             Toastmasters were meeting at the Portland
      the balloon detachment No. 2 Aviation Section
                                                             Chamber of Commerce building in 1940 until
      of the Army Signal Corps. Robison departed
                                                             after 1948, Glen Meek, past District 7 Historian,
      for France from Newport News, Virginia on
                                                             attended Portland Toastmasters meetings at the
      the troop ship Siboney on April 22, 1918. May
                                                             Chamber of Commerce building in 1940 before
      7, 1919 he was discharged from the Army. He
                                                             moving to Pendleton, Oregon.
      returned to Junction, Oregon and married Helen
                                                                    Manley was promoted to manager of the
      Josephine Sanders. In 1925 worked as a clerk
                                                             Commerce Tourist-Convention Department
      for C. E. Carroll Company in Eugene, Oregon.
                                                             in 1940. Beginning May 1941, he traveled for
      He was elected financial officer for the Junction
                                                             three months to the east coast and mid-west
      City American Legion Post. In 1929 he moved            promoting Oregon as a tourist destination. In
      to Portland, Oregon for a job as a salesman. His       1946, the State of Oregon highway engineer R.

      next position was with the Portland Chamber            H. Baldock appointed Manley as manager of
      of Commerce as a Hospitality and Convention            the Travel Information Department of the State
      Department manager.                                    Highway Department. He and his family moved
             In the fall of 1934, Manley joined Portland     to Salem where he gave talks on the Oregon

      Toastmasters Club #31. From November 10-               tourist industry. His department provided
      26, 1936, he participated with other Portland          Oregon tourist information. October 31, 1951
      Toastmasters in the Red Cross Speakers’ Bureau.        he resigned his position for a state position as
      Toastmasters participating in the bureau were:         director of Aid and Welfare where he worked
      Frank McCaslin, chairman, Worth W. Caldwell,           until his retirement.
      Jack Carney, John Carney, John W. Davis,                      Manley Robison died at his home on

      Arnold Kuhnhausen, Herschel Nunn, Donald L.            September 3, 1980. He was buried in Willamette
      Sloan, Lynn P. Sabin, Manley Robison, Charles          National Cemetery.

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