Page 17 - Voices March 2018
P. 17
communication and expectations hit home for the ping pong ball, there is no communication
her, and for me, about manners, expectations, ping pong in play. Who needs or wants to play
and friendship. with a ball hogger?
In the conversation with Lilia, I suggested Often, I am reminded of a story which
she send a text message to Danielle. I said to supports a conversation which I had with our
her “Lilia, you know Danielle, you like her, she niece Lilia, while she was staying with us in
is someone that you can count on. Take a risk; Portland, Oregon. She is Parisian, born and
trust your gut. You guys really connected when raised. She was educated à L’Université de La
you met.” Lilia nodded in agreement. Sorbonne, Paris, France, in the heart of the
It is amazing that oftentimes voices of 6th Arrondissement, where she received both
discouragement not only come to us verbally a bachelor’s degree and a masters degree in
but non-verbally as well. International Studies. Elle est très intelligente
Lilia shared a situation which she found very et tres charmante!
discouraging. She was sent a text message by People come in to our lives like angels, they
her new friend Suzy-Q. Lilia responded right leave a message or two. If we heed the messages,
away to the request for a rendezvous with her we’ll find our freedom. Now that Suzy-Q is out
buddy. A few days later she was still waiting to of the picture, a new friend and a real friend
hear back from Suzy-Q. Lilia was in fact put on has landed, which gives one freedom. It is true
hold waiting for the phone to ring, or to receive angels come to give us wings to freedom.
an email or a text message. Still no response. It People set boundaries at times which are
had been four out of bounds. Whether they do so consciously
days. or unconsciously it doesn’t matter. What does
Off went the matter is deciding what will work for you.
text message to Terry Beard initially joined Arlington Club
Danielle, within Toastmasters in 2001. He co-founded Portland Rotary
two hours, they had Toastmasters in 2015.
connected and set a Terry is the author of Squelched - Succeeding
date to rendezvous. in Business and Life by Finding Your Voice,
Lilia was so happy published in 2017 and available on
that she smiled
from ear to ear.
“Lilia, does it feel
good to connect with
people that you can
count on? No response is
discouragement, you deserve better.” People
who withhold by not replying promptly to text
messages, emails and voice mails are sending a
clear message. It is control and manipulation of
VOICES! | MARCH, 2018 17