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written, “Forgive your enemies. You’ll feel better  University. Passionate about math + business + data,
      and it’ll drive them crazy.”                            she’s been fortunate to work these 3 fields, in tandem,
      TIP #2                                                  with the Oregon University System, Concordia
                                                              University Portland, and now at Nike. Kamili enjoys
      BE GENUINE - To kill them with love, our                yukking it up with her 3 boys and husband, family &
      lack of reaction must be genuine for it to work.        friends time, eating chocolate slowly, learning like a
      In summary, we have the below equation.  sponge, and hanging out in the social capital scene to
      Forgiving, but not forgetting coupled with being  learn from others and help create value where she can.
      genuine increases our ability to absorb hurt  She joined New Horizons Toastmasters in 2016. This
      without reacting badly to it.                           year, she is servng as the club secretary.

      FBDF + BEING GENUINE                                   Roseburg Resident Receives

          It seems all good things have two sides.           DTM award
      Medications have benefits…and potential side           by Haylie Ellison The News-Review
      effects. Coins have two sides: heads…and tails.
      Similarly, great approaches have positives…            Reprinted with permission
      and precautions. Barbara Oakley, a popular
                                                                 A Roseburg resident, Jim Daniel, received
      professor at Oakland University and author of          the Distinguished Toastmaster award from the
      “Cold Blooded Kindness”, tells us that our ability     Wonderful Oregon Wordmasters Toastmasters
      to empathize and care for others can be turned         club for his achievement in communication and
      on its head and lead to…undesirable outcomes.          leadership last week at its regular club meeting.
      Kindness “can be manipulated & exploited by                The DTM award is the highest education
      emotional bullies” to us do more harm than good.  award a Toastmasters contributor can receive.
      Keeping this in mind, THE MESSAGE is this:             Less than 1 percent of the 400,000 members
      To live & work with problem people, we must  hold this title worldwide.
      “act rationally using ‘slow’ thinking that departs         “Toastmasters is a place where people can
      from knee jerk reactions.”  For truly good causes,     find their voice, learn to communicate and
      let’s Kill Them With Love.                             become a leader,” said Daniel, the vice president
                                                             of public relations at the Roseburg and WOW
      Sources, Citations, & References                       toastmasters clubs.
                                                                 Daniel completed a High Performance
      1.     Kahneman, Daniel (2011). Thinking, Fast         Leadership project as part of the Distinguished
      and Slow. Location: Farrar, Straus and Giroux          Toastmaster requirements. The eight-month
      2.     Machak, Peggy (1998, August 2). How To  community service project involved raising
      Deal With Problem Personalities. Chicago Tribune.  funds and planning the removal of a tree at the
      Retrieved from http://articles.chicagotribune. home of Umpqua Community College shooting
      com/1998-08-02/features/9808020155_1_ survivor Julie Woodworth. To read the entire
      difficult-people-depressed-angry-people                article, click here.
      3.     Oakley, Barbara (2012, February 1). Killing
      with Kindness. The Scientist. Retrieved from
      4.     Talley, Kamili (2017, July 8). “Kill Them
      with…Love”. New Horizons Toastmasters, Tigard
      OR. Competent Communicator Manual: Speech
      9, Persuade with Power
      Kamili Talley moved to the Pacific Northwest
      from Chicago at the turn of the 1990s. She studied
      Mathematics, Information Technology, and is making
      headway toward an MBA at Western Governors

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