Page 49 - 2017.1 voices
P. 49
Speaking from Your Natural Platform
by Shannon Milliman, ACB, CL
Have you heard good speeches that did not odds, been dealt a
necessarily fit the rubric of the evaluation form? tough hand but they
Now and then you come across a speaker or a speech
that just doesn’t fit the mold. That can mean the overcame and share their story of overcoming great
speech has more room for opportunity but some- odds. Because they did it, audiences feel they can
times the speaker has tapped into something that triumph over their own challenges, too.
is not easy to grade—pure connection. Perhaps you identify with
That energy is more impactful
than all the tally marks on many of these platforms.
this side of the Willamette Pick the one you most
River. closely align with and write
With a new year and new a speech with this mindset.
goals in mind, experiment
with developing a speech that A s I perform this exercise, I
speaks from your natural decide the story subject
platform. Consider these is my garden boxes in
platforms and find your
best, most natural fit. Be the my backyard. They have
next speech that wows the so much potential but are
audience with rolling waves. highly neglected by my myriad
1. The Journalist - bids his or her speech of excuses that I have sowed as to why these potatoes
by asking questions. This person’s natural curiosity
is revealed in the way his/her speech is organized. are not flourishing. As I begin to share this story my
The journalist speaker connects the dots for the Poet instincts kick in and I find myself in wonder
audience, and the audience is electrified for his/ over the small potato eye from which the potato
her efforts. grows. This reminds me of my father teaching
2. The Prophet - in his/her speech they
reveal the ugly, raw truth. They see and articulate me how to cut and plant potatoes as a child and
hypocrisy. In their speech, they share stories that I continue my current journey with poetry in my
show the world around them is broken but they mind. It is easier for me to write this way and to
believe we have the power to fix it.
3. The Poet - these speakers describe the speak this way because it is more natural for me.
mundane, commonplace with imagery and invoke Conversely, when I write as the Professor I am
beauty through what others might miss. They belabored by the need to research and create facts.
connect their audience with a mutual appreciation I find value in these but it is like writing with a dam
for beauty.
4. The Professor - these speakers provide in my way. And soon, I lose interest and stop signing
informational, fact-based presentations. They up for speeches.
demonstrate they are well read and thirst for Experiment with your voice for 30 days and see
knowledge. They inspire an audience to hunger what truths you find about yourself. Evaluate the
for knowledge.
5. The Star - They may have overcome great impact on your audience.