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could affect how other people saw me. Even                 Or how about this one: our interactions are
     more -- I had never realized before that my own        powered by the stories we tell ourselves about
     actions actually determined whether I was truly        other people.
     a good person.  As a kid, I wrestled in secret for         And one more:
     a very long time with these events. I wondered,                          Truth Matters
     WAS I really a good person?”
         I asked Kim what the moral of these events             Beth Genly joined Toastmasters in 2014. She is
     were for her, now. She grinned, and said, “Chris       a member of Toastmasters for Speakng Professionals
     Genly should always be your Daddy.”                    and Feedbackers. Beth is currently serving as the
         I’m really glad she loves her dad.                 VP Public Relatons for Toastmasters for Speaking
                                                            Professionals. She is co-founder of Burnout
         But I’m pretty sure you might find other           Solutions, and co-author of Save Yourself from
     morals in this tale. For instance, the consistency     Burnout (due for release in Spring 2017). For
     of the messages we give our kids. I mean—              more information or to schedule Beth as keynote or
     McDonald’s is okay for dinner, but Froot Loops         workshop provder, contact her at info@burnout-
     are not okay for breakfast?                  


                   re you a dynamic, engaging presenter? Do you have a topic

             Arelated to communication or leadership that others can

             benefit from personally or professionally?  If so, let us know by

             clicking here!

                     e are looking for a few

             Wgood people who enjoy

             working behind the scenes.

             These people will help make

             the District 7 Spring conference

             a resounding success. Want to

             lend a hand, be influential, and

             let your creative juices flow? Let

             us know by clicking here!

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