Page 36 - 2017.1 voices
P. 36
Management as a Substitute
Form of Leadership
by Joel Conarton, CC
In this second article in a series on leadership, Joel continues his discussion on the six levels of management styles
as interpreted by the people most affected by those in charge.
Where 99.9% of us sit We all know a muscling manager when we
In the M Leadership Model discussed last hear, “Do it because I said so.”, “How badly do
month, I discussed 6 levels that generically you want this job?”, “If you don’t like it, you know
describe a style those in leadership positions fit where the door is.” But what about the less subtle
into. Measured not by the leader’s beliefs, but by forms of muscling? “That is just the way we do it
the responses of those who are ‘supposed’ to be around here”, “That is the way it has always been
following. Measured not when things are on an done.”, “If you have a better way, let us know”?
even keel, but when it really counts—that usually Actions speak louder than words. The last
means tough situations. But, it also reflects on example could be an honest “let us know”, but
our regular style. usually is a form of shutting down opposition.
This month’s article covers the second three When there is inactive listening, or lack of
levels and traits usually found at each. It identifies response to suggestions, then this is another
the levels, it does not try to recommend changes. form of muscling.
It is promoting awareness, which could lead to The biggest upside of muscling is that ‘stuff
change. We will start at the bottom of the list gets done’, and it gets done exactly the way the
where 90% of most managers rule and move manager wants it done. The tradeoff is that
upwards to the most desireable traits exhibited employees don’t feel motivated or part of the
by less than 1%. process. They truly are a cog in the machine.
The Next 9% - Maneuvering
Maneuvering has some of the same pitfalls,
but has a better upside in that things do change
for the better, and accomplishments are
celebrated. What is found is that success tends
to be celebrated with the wrong people. These
are the managers who spread fault, and collect
credit for other people’s work.
The employees don’t really lose out on
The First 90% - Muscling those promotions. A maneuvering leader, when
In the corporate world, most managers are promoted, will take their ‘best’ employees with
not given leadership directives. They may get them. Why would they lose the assets that keep
assigned training, but for the most part, managers giving them benefit?
are left to their own devices when it comes to Productivity increases as people start to feel
choosing how to lead. Without a conscious choice a part of the process. There is a limitation to
of how to lead, leadership usually comes from productivity in that culture, as a lot of effort is
what they have experienced in the past—which put into the spin for credit, and the barriers and
protections people create to try and prevent it.
is to say, they kick it forward.