Page 35 - 2017.1 voices
P. 35

designed to broadcast audio into large spaces.
      It will be much easier to hear presentations,
      evaluations, and comments from your remote
      members if you use external speakers.
          The same holds true for built-in microphones.
      They are puny at best. They pick up the sound
      of their own fans making it difficult for people
      to separate the mechanical sounds from
      the presenter voices. A better option might
      be a speakerphone or an omni-directional
      microphone placed in the middle of the table.           Website/Social Media—Update your website
          Members who join remotely also need a few           and social media pages to include a note about
      basic must-haves:                                       attending online
          • Internet connection                               White Paper—Add this article as a download to
          • Computer, tablet, or laptop                       your website and social media page
          • Webcam                                            News Release—Create a news release and let the
          • Headset with microphone                           world know your club is offering  a VOIP solution
          • Quiet space free of distractions and noise        Business cards/printed materials—add a note
          • Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook, etc.            to your printed club materials about the online
          An Internet connecton is a must. So too is          option
      a computer, tablet, or laptop preferably with a             No matter whether your club is bursting at the
      2Ghz or higher processor and at least 4Gb of            seams or there are empty chairs at your meetings,
      RAM. Slower computers seem to have difficulty           adding an online option is a smart strategy for
      maintaining a connection to the call for a 60-90        growth and retention. Make a commitment to
      minute meeting. (I suppose you could use your           help your club grow and your members become
      smartphone, but check your data plan and battery        better connected in 2017 by adding an online
      life.)                                                  option to your club mix. For more information,
          As a member of Great White North Online             contact me at phyllis.harmon@d77toastmasters.
      Toastmasters, I‘ve found that joining remotely
      does require attention to environmental details.                        PROTOCOL 2.3. Online
      I relegate myself to a quiet space, with a blank                     Attendance at Club Meetings
      or non-cluttered wall behind me. The spouse,
      dogs, and TV are beyond the closed door. The                    A. Online attendance is defined as any
      phone is muted, and room lighting adjusted to               member participating and interacting in a club
      keep shadows off my face.                                   meeting through the use of live audio and video
          A headset with a microphone works                       conferencing tools utilizing an online platform.
                                                                      I. Participants are not in the same physical
      much better than trying to use the computer                 location as the rest of the club members
      microphone. A headset allows me to clearly hear             attending the in-person meeting.
      the presenters —a very important feature when                   II. Participants must be able to communicate
      I am the evaluator! The microphone muffles                  with all other members in attendance at the
      background noise and allows my voice to be                  in-person meeting.
      heard. Because clutter is a distraction, a blank wall           III. Online participation in a club meeting
      behiind me focuses attention where it belongs—              does not include voice-only teleconferencing,
      on the speaker!                                             recorded video, or recorded audio.
          Choose a free Voice over the Internet Protocol              B. Clubs that opt to allow online attendance
      (VOIP) like Skype, Google Hangouts, Facebook,               at the regular in-person meeting must specify
      etc. to connect your in-house meeting to your               this in the Addendum of Standard Club Options.
                                                                      C. Each club determines the type of online
      remote members.                                             platform(s) to be used and must acquire it at the
          Before the meeting, test your equipment and             club’s expense if there is a fee for use.
      connections.                                                    D. Each member participating in online club
          Okay, those are the basics. Here’s how to add           meetings will provide their own technology at
      this option to your public relations/marketing              their own expense if there is a fee for use.

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