Page 38 - 2016-10
P. 38


                       Club Name           Last Name  First Name
Stage Coach TM                    Wargnier            Paul
Salmon Speakers                   White               Michael
New Horizons Toastmasters Club    Whitmore            Rose
Samaritan Ah-so-Um                Wiederkehr          Peggy
Gorge Windbags                    Withers             Richard
Samaritan Ah-so-Um                Worden-Acree        Gail
Leader's Edge Club                Wright              Charline
Stage Coach TM                    Young               Jordan
Stage Coach TM                    Zubrick             Marissa

           Happy Anniversary to
                October Clubs

The following clubs are celebrating their charter anniversary this month. Congratulations to all!

   Charter  Years                 Club Name
10/20/2014     2                  Clean Water
10/15/2015     1                  Club Northwest
10/1/1998     18                  Marylhurst
10/30/2012     4                  NuScale Toasters
10/1/1993     23                  Speakeasy
10/21/2014     2                  Titan
10/1/1990    26                   Toast of Corvallis
10/3/2012     4                   Wonderful Oregon Wordmasters (WOW)
10/1/1965     51                  Yawn Patrol

A special shout out
to Yawn Patrol for
passing the half-
century mark!

38 Volume 3 Issue 4 - OCTOBER 2016
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