Page 28 - 8.2016 Voices
P. 28
Creating a More Accepting Future
by Jasiah Hasan, Club President
I still remember the first people who are poised to create great change.
time I witnessed Future Stars work its magic on With every word we utter and with every soul we
me. We were just a month shy from summer inspire, we lead the world into a safer and more
break. My history class was in the middle of a accepting future.
discussion so naturally I shrank to the back of the
room and stayed quiet. Being a shy, introverted Jasiah Hasan is an eleventh grader at Sunset High
person meant I preferred to passively listen. School. She has been with Future Stars Gavel Club
for four years, and is now its current youth President.
At one point, the discussion shifted to current This club has taught her leadership, delegation, and
events and religion. I remember how one boy time management skills. When she isn’t writing and
insisted that Islam was “toxic” and “unhealthy” for practicing speeches, she enjoys drinking herbal teas,
the modern world. He said that Islam oppressed hiking, and spending time with friends and family.
women by forcing women to cover themselves Her dream is to become a young adult author.
in scarves and submit to their male counterparts.
As a Muslim girl, I felt my stomach clench at his Future Stars Gavel Club, is a youth communication
words. The room was uncomfortably quiet and and leadership club administered by Toastmasters
tense as the boy continued to spew hate. At that International, helping the young people of today
moment I knew I had to speak up, but how? I was become the great leaders of tomorrow! The club is
too shy, too soft-spoken, and too weak. open to all middle school and high school aged kids. It
gives them the opportunity to become better listeners,
“You’re wrong.” The words were out of my thinkers, speakers and leaders.
mouth before I could think. I remember how
all eyes swiveled towards me. So I stood, knees The club meets weekly during the school year every
shaking. “Muslim women aren’t oppressed. The Saturday from 10:30am-12:00pm at 4115 SW 160th
hijab is a woman’s choice. And it helps her to be Avenue, Beaverton, Oregon 97007 in the first room
judged by not her physical beauty, but by her in the portal. To learn more about Future Stars or
intelligence and kindness.” to visit the club, pleas contact us at or contact Coach
The tension faded. My knees finally stopped Eric at 503.516.6271. Visitors are encouraged to
shaking. That was all the encouragement I needed visit the club and see for themselves why Future Stars
to continue expressing my thoughts. I held my should be part of their educational journey.
ground just as I had learned in Table Topics, until
I saw people nodding their agreement. With the
power of a few simple words, I had changed my
classmates’ worldview and gained their respect. I
was able to lead them to a better understanding
of Islam.
I often think back to stories like this one when
I count my blessings. Because in a world divided
by discrimination, Future Stars blesses me with
the skills to survive. It teaches me to never stay
silent when challenged by ignorance. It teaches
me that my voice has the power to break walls
when I strive for a just cause. When we can
articulate emotions from deep within our hearts,
people listen. People change. They understand
the need for action and they follow us towards
justice. Future Stars is a diverse group of young
28 Volume 3 Issue 2 - AUGUST 2016