Page 18 - 2016 April Voices
P. 18
Salem Toastmasters Club #138 Beginnings
by Harvey Schowe DTM-District 7 Historian
Salem Toastmasters Club #138 originated gasoline tax over existing state automobile tax
from the Public Forum club as an extension on March 2, 1926. Other debate topics included
of YMCA public speaking classes. The Forum bonding for local airport 1928, removal of
Club organized in March 1924 with 20 public camp grounds 1928 and imposing a toll
members. Members met on Tuesday evenings on Champoeg Highway between Salem and
where they discussed current topics. Dr. Henry Portland. Dinners were added to bimonthly
E. Maris was elected as first club president. meetings and later meetings were held weekly.
During October 1923 students attending Friday Meetings lasted from 7:30 pm to 9:00 pm.
evening public speaking forum class became Club membership hovered around thirty.
so interested in public speaking they began Membership requirements were two years of
holding their own meetings. Before 1921, YMCA public speaking classes or one year of
Willamette University, Salem High School and college public speaking.
private instructors provided public speaking
instruction in the Salem area. On January Members were typically businessmen and
17, 1921, Salem YMCA added a salesmanship in 1930 Judge O.P. Coshow, Judge Hamilton,
class to the curriculum. This class was an C. C. Aller, manager of the local telephone
immediate success with 30 students attending. company, and Reverend Norman K. Tully
Another salesmanship class was added in became members. At first men were club
April 1921 because the class doubled in size. members but during October 1931 women
A Friday evening public speaking class was participated in dinner and the discussions that
added November 1922 with Dr. C. E. Powell, followed.
Kimball College of Theology, as the instructor.
Professor William Harrington of Portland Club president Rich L. Reiman held
taught Friday evening speech classes in 1923. a meeting on May 2, 1932 to prepare for a
Professor Harrington, an outstanding teacher, speaking contest with Portland YMCA advance
taught public speaking classes at Oregon public speaking class where ten members of
Institute of Technology and at Franklin High each group spoke about causes and remedies
School in Portland. He continued teaching of world economic conditions. Rich Reiman
public speaking in 1925. Quotas for public visited the Portland YMCA /OIT speech class
speaking classes were quickly filled and YMCA to arrange the contest. Mrs. C. A. Kellis led
staff organized two more classes in January a round table discussion on international
1924. problems with emphasis on American relations
with China. This speech contest was held on
Forum or Y Forum Club members Thursday May 26, 1932 at Salem Association
invited guest speakers and held discussions Building after 7:00 pm dinner. Each side had
and debates discussing business relationships, at least six speakers. The speech contest was
sociology, and community life. Salem a discussion debate about world economic
Statesman newspaper editorial commended problems.
the Forum Club for expanding the vision,
increasing the comprehension and provided Voices Article Source: Material for Voices article
better conclusions on current affairs. This obtained from various Salem Statesman Newspaper
club was superior to service clubs. Members articles and with written copyright permissions
held debates on topics such as preference of a obtained for using this material.
18 Volume 2 Issue 10 - APRIL 2016