Page 20 - VoicesMar2015 .pub
P. 20
ast of Corvallis—Continued from page 19)

As Toastmasters we are always amazed at the changes in ourselves, even after only one year of
participation in the Toastmasters program. Club Secretary Lisa Schupp said Toastmasters has
made her a lot more confidant in talking to management, her presentations skills are better and
she listens more closely to the people she helps.

As for myself, I did not know anything at all about Marketing or Public Relations (PR). I realized if I
wanted to start and grow a business, Toastmasters was an ideal place to learn and practice.
Serving in the role of Club VP of PR has exceeded my expectations. I gain marketing and PR
experience as I continue to learn from the great training provided by Toastmasters.

Toast of Corvallis breeds Leaders! For the last several years many of the club members have moved
on to become Area and Division governors.
We always make sure everyone gets the
credit for meeting roles in the Competent
Leader manual. Earning that Competent
Leader award makes you feel like it IS
possible to earn that coveted DTM. Last year’s
Club President Rosanne Smith, who is
currently our Area Governor, told me “People
who shy away from taking on a leadership
position or entering the speech contest are
robbing themselves, because there is no one

saying you can't do this.” When asked what she learned as club president she said it seemed like
there was no way to find the time to be club president, but accepting the president’s role helped
her learn how to find the time. Rosanne said “You have to learn how to be efficient to become
effective. We all have little holes of five and ten minutes of time in our lives. By finding and using
these it really is possible to find the time you need to do what you need to do.” Rosanne also said
“You have to communicate to your team. At the club level you see your team every week. The
challenge at the area and division level is you do not know your team. You really have to reach out
to them.” The experience she gained serving as club president enabled her to take on the role of
Area Governor. Her reward is seeing clubs and individuals do well. “It really is true, Toastmasters
creates Leaders. Accepting the leadership role as President and Area governor is one of the best
things I ever did for myself.”

Come to Toastmasters to improve, stay for the friendships.

Toast of Corvallis meets every Tuesday at 12:10 PM in the South Building of the HP campus. Visit for meeting directions.

Jack Standeven joined Toastmasters in 2011. He is currently serving as the club president.

Leadership is more often than not about “soft skills” rather than hard skills. Yes, a leader who understands
what drives the bottom line is valuable. Yet it’s the leader who can get others to perform at their best who ulti-
mately creates winning organizations.

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