Page 6 - january 2022
P. 6


                                                                                               Best Practices to End the Year Strong

                                                                                Time for a Tune Up?

                                                                                       Leanna Lindquist, DTM and Phyllis Harmon, DTM

                                                                                According to Merriam-
                                                                            Webster, a best practice is “a
                                                                          procedure that has been shown

                                                                          by research and experience to
                                                                          produce optimal results and that
                                                                          is established or proposed as a
                                                                        standard suitable for widespread

                                                                      adoption.” We thought that was
                                                             a good beginning but added our own
                                                             interpretation: “A best practice historically
      It’s January and the countdown to the end              has been found to work; is current, organic,

      of this Toastmasters’ year has begun! What             and flexible within each Club culture; and
      shape is your club in? Is it bursting with             gets results.
      energy and growth? Or. . . ummm . . . errr                 In the following paragraphs, we share
      . . . not so much?                                     best practices for Club growth, member

      It seems that about this time every year,              engagement, and long-term retention.
      panic sets in as Clubs review their progress
      in the Distinguished Club Program and                  Club growth
      discover they may not make their goals.                Continued growth should be on every

      Whether your Club is in great shape or                 Club’s radar. I’ve seen Clubs who were at
      needs a remedial tune-up, there is no                  the top of their game, well-over charter
      time like the present to implement best                strength and doing well, experience an
      practices to help your Club finish strong.             exodus of members at renewal time. The

          At the recent Toastmasters Leadership              remaining members often don’t have the
      Institute, Past District Director Leanna               energy to rebuild, and the Club eventually
      Lindquist and I shared best practice                   dissolves. With a continuous focus on
      tips learned during our years as District              growth, Clubs can offset member losses.

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